The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1557: Do you have any ulterior motives for me?

Fang Chixia stared at him quietly next to him.

The formalities were handled well, and I entered the elevator and went upstairs. She was also led by Luo Yibei.

Her pace is very stiff, her head hangs down to the end, like a lost middle school student.

A man who made her a mistake made her feel like she had been listening to her "open house".

Luo Yibei entered the hotel and the corner of his lips was always slightly hooked. He seemed to be in a good mood. When walking in the corridor, he even looked around and enjoyed the decoration of the hotel from time to time.

The waiter led the two to the most corner room, respectfully helping the two to open the door, and then quietly retreated.

Luo Yibei’s forefoot just started to pull the clothes on his body as soon as he stepped into the room.

His **** action was particularly casual, and the bow tie was opened indiscriminately. He wanted to walk into the bathroom and looked at Fang Chi Xia behind his eyes. He walked toward her in a few steps, locked the door behind her, and buckled his wrist. Her, and a little more, Fang Chixia's body hit him in his arms.

"How do you think about coming to the hotel?" Coveted, her eyes faintly sweeping her eyebrows, her fingertips clasping her, his fingertips gently pinching her squatting skin and stroking it.

"Isn't it so late now? How long does it take to go back, isn't it?" Fang Chi Xiaguang lightly lifted, the clear cockroach and his look, calm and answer.

"Yes? Just that?" Luo Yibei's attention is concentrated on the palm touch, the touch on the hand, soft, warm and moist, caressing, caressing, his thoughts are suddenly and unreasonably I thought of the touch of the palm when I touched her chest.

"Just for this reason. What can I still have?" Fang Chi Xia Xia's skin touched by him, crisp and numb, like there are millions of small ants in the diamond, it is very uncomfortable .

However, she did not push him away.

Luo Yibei stared at her in a quiet voice, her eyes swept through her one inch and one inch of skin, and returned her stalking back and forth several times. He suddenly stuck to her ear. Gently sighed at her. "Do you know how dangerous it is to come to this place?"

Fang Chi Xia is not a 16-year-old girl, she naturally knows what can happen to the hotel.

In fact, with Luo Yibei, whether or not you come to the hotel, such dangers are always there.

She suggested that she was ready before he opened the room.

One night, the eyes closed and passed.

She didn't want to know the house she had worked so hard for a while ago!

"I know!" The face was lifted up, she did not reject any of his intimacy, and the body even consciously posted the door panel behind her.

Luo Yibei's body leaned over, and her tall body covered her body. The face was slightly sideways, and her lips turned to her slightly red lips.

Looking at her intently, he raised his eyebrow slightly. "Why, I always feel that you have ulterior motives?"

"You think too much!" Fang Chixia calmly returned to him, and the neck was lifted.

Her neck is very long, like a fine art, elegant like a swan neck, a special temptation of the curvature, the skin is still very white, white as if it will shine.

Luo Yibei's eyes locked her slender neck, and the sight was like glue stuck on it. It didn't move away for a long time.

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