The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1576: Eyebrows and long eyes

He has always been very generous, and there are many more toys in a room than a bed!

The small milk bag thought for a moment, and seemed to feel that he was not losing money. He even earned it. He did not hesitate to agree. "Well, then we change the European style! White!"

"Good." Luo Yibei tempted, confused success, in a good mood to start washing with a toothbrush.

One big and one small, and without the consent of Fang Chixia, even did not ask her what she meant, so I decided to do this.

Even the style and color are negotiable.

When Fang Chi Xia walked into the bathroom, Luo Yibei and the small milk bag were still washing.

The small milk bag is not tall enough to stand on the chair.

Both of them are holding a toothbrush, the same as brushing their teeth, the same frequency, even the brushing can not help but look up and look at the small mirror in front of the mirror.

Fang Chixia stood by the door and stared at such a big one for a while, and the brow was screwed again.

Two people who have no relationship at all, so tacit?

She did not understand, standing at the door and thinking for a long time did not figure out, and finally depressed downstairs to prepare breakfast.

The small milk pack has a low platelet count. Like her childhood, she remembered this when she prepared breakfast. The breakfast recipes were all kinds of foods that promoted the increase of platelet density, all red.

Luo Yibei and Xiao Yi walked down after a few minutes. This is actually the first day he stayed here, but he is more natural than anywhere.

After going downstairs, sit down at the dining table and start dining.

When I was dining, the small milk bag and him joined together, and the two faces whispered something from time to time, especially intimate.

Such two people, somehow, let Fang Chixia look at it, suddenly some red eyes.

Who is better for him and Luo Yibei?

With a muffled mood, after a breakfast, Fang Chixia is preparing to sort out the room. Who knows that Xiao Yi is very active and ran around and walked outside the villa. "Summer and summer, go together, me and North and North are ready to change beds, you have to sleep, go see it together!"

What Fang Chi Xia thought was, why didn’t you ask me when I decided everything in the bathroom?

However, did not say anything.

The small milk bag took her in one hand and led Luo Yibei in one hand. The three stopped the car and went to the nearby mall.

After the small milk bag arrived, and Luo Yibei seriously selected the bed for the three people to sleep.

Fang Chi Xia Jianggen did not intend to let Luo Yibei live all the time, and his mind was naturally not in the bed.

However, the small milk bag, she did not say anything, the whole process also cooperated with the two people to see the bed.

The three people walked together, and the hands of the small milk bag were always holding the two.

No matter where the mall is, there are more places for people.

Luo Yibei's face, in the past few years because of the lack of exposure, suddenly appeared in the lively occasion, unconsciously set off a wave of commotion.

Probably afraid of his relationship, the commotion is not very big, and he is a bit far away.

Luo Yibei's attention was on the bed, and he did not look carefully.

A few meters away from the trio, four or five people were staring at it.

Later, slowly, more people got up.

Even accompanied by the sound of the camera.

"Baby and the real thing!"

"Hey nose, that eye, that chin, really like!"

"Luo Shaoye has not appeared in the public in recent years. Is it a hidden marriage?"

"The family has been picking up the bed together, it’s all right!"

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