The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1577: Small milk bag domineering

There are a lot of arguments behind me, the sound is very small, drowning in the music of the mall, I can't hear clearly.

Luo Yibei did not look back, and naturally did not listen to those people's arguments.

Fang Chixia’s face did not turn back. She has not been exposed to the public in recent years and may have been forgotten.

Now suddenly and Luo Yibei walked together, still do not know who was mistaken by the group behind him.

Three people picked the bed well, Luo Yibei was responsible for swiping the card, and Fang Chi Xia led the shop with the small milk bag first.

When I walked out with my child, I saw a large group of people outside when I didn’t know when she was around. She slammed her face first, replied quickly, and picked up Xiaoyi, pressing his head and leaning on himself. In the arms.

She did not know the identity of Xiao Yi, and she did not know that he was a child who grew up in the palace and could not be easily exposed.

She protects Xiaoyi, just from instinct, just like she hates the media.

"Sorry, let's make a let! Let's make it!" With a small milk bag, I want to go out. However, there are too many people on the scene, too crowded.

Fang Chi Xia crowded into the crowd, and was pushed over by several people several times and almost did not stand firm.

This kind of scene seems to make the little milk bag somewhat angry.

His face lifted up, and he snorted at a group of people with great majesty. "In three seconds, all give up!"

Very milky voice, but the tone of the voice is particularly domineering, domineering does not lose adults, and even very powerful.

A large group of people is almost conditional and gives him a way to go.

Luo Yibei followed up from behind, his long arms stretched out, and they took the two men into their arms, protecting the two men and striding away.

Going out of the mall, I got on the bus. He raised his thumb and gave the little milk bag a compliment. "Baby, good!"

The small milk bag smiled at him and accepted his appreciation and accepted it for granted. "That is."

Luo Yibei was amused by him, and his lips were slightly hooked.

The car carrying the three men slowly drove out, and then returned to the villa in Fang Chi Xia.

Fang Chi Xia Yi Road is thinking about what has just happened.

There are so many people present today. If they are expelled, what should I do if I see the report?

She didn't like the feeling of being chased by the media every day. She even didn't want to expose her marriage to Luo Yibei for this reason.

Her life in the country of Y has been very quiet, one person, one city, one small home, plain and quiet.

This is her favorite state of life, however, now, because of the emergence of Luo Yibei, all of them are subverted in an instant!

After Fang Chi Xia returned to the villa, he stared at Luo Yibei in front and glanced at it, secretly saying how to make him leave.

"Louis North, when are you going back to China?"

This is not the first time she asked this question. In front of Luo Yibei, the body seems to be stiff.

The small milk bag came back this way. I always had a smile on my face. After listening to her words, my face was closed and my face was stunned.

Fang Chi Xia thought about it and added, "Our marriage is no longer the same. It is not appropriate to live together."

Luo Yi's north back turned to her body, slowly moving toward her, standing next to her, coveted, eyes and her right, "Marriage relationship does not exist, live together is not suitable?"

He asked extremely slowly, and he did not hear any anger in his tone.

"Yeah." Fang Chixia gave him a voice.

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