The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1718: Say good, don't separate

The car was lost and the address was found. Luo Yibei drove a car and went along the scene of the accident.

When it arrived, the car was still burning.

The blazing fire illuminates the entire sky.

The incident occurred near Cheng’an’s apartment and there were not many vehicles passing by. When Luo Yibei arrived, there was only one such car on the road.

Pushing the door open, the footsteps stiffly walked toward the sea of ​​fire, Luo Yi north side, incredulously looking at the already exhausted vehicles, the body like blood reversal.

"Summer and summer!" The small milk bag followed and screamed at the sea of ​​fire.

The fire has already burned like this. If people don't come out, there is definitely no hope.

The small milk bag actually understands, but still does not give up and shouted again and again, "Summer! I am a baby! North and North are also coming!"

"Summer summer, are you okay?"

"Summer, where are you?"

"Summer and summer, you don't have an accident, you have been abusing me since the North and the North!"

The voice of the four-year-old child is getting bigger and bigger, and at the end, it is directly brought to the crying room.

The scene was quiet, only the sound of the burning fire.

"Summer and summer... Hey... I don't want you to have an accident! You said, no one in our family can be dismantled!" The little milk bag cried, crying very sad, tears and nose covered with a whole small face.

Luo Yibei quietly observed the scene, walked around and walked over, not letting go of any corner of the scene.

Just as Fang Chixia believed his IQ, he thought she should not be so easy.

Even if she is in trouble, she should be able to resolve it for herself in a timely manner.

Next to the road is a meadow with deep grass.

Luo Yibei looked for an inch in the grass.

"Summer and summer..." The small milk bag is still calling, one after another, very sad.

Luo Yibei was looking very slowly at the scene, and he was looking for a phone to contact the nearby hospital.

He wants to know if she has been taken to the hospital. If she is hospitalized, it is not difficult for people to find out.

However, unfortunately, the investigators did not have any information.

Luo Yibei has no choice but to continue to look for it on the spot.

The scene was dark and there was no light, which added to the difficulty of finding.

I found the grass next to the accident all over again. I wanted to change places and continue to look for it. The trousers of the suit pants suddenly got smashed by something.

Luo Yibei was shocked and his eyes lowered. He stared at the slender white hand holding his trousers and bent down to hug the people in the grass.

With her striding into the car, she put her on the chair and turned on the lights. Luo Yibei’s eyes fell on her face. “Chi Xia, okay?”

Fang Chixia’s face was pale, but there were no other symptoms and no injuries.

She is just a little dizzy in her head, and the rest seems to be fine.

"Anny is still nearby!" Pushed him, she reminded.

Luo Yibei did not care, "Is there any injury? I will send you to the hospital first!"

"I'm fine, let the baby come over, you go find someone!" Fang Chixia sat up straight from the chair and urged him again.

Luo Yibei was helpless and turned and continued to find someone on the scene.

The little milk bag saw her very happy. She didn't need Luo Yibei to call, and the little figure swayed and ran to climb the car.

"Summer and summer, you are fine, great!" She hugged her, and the little milk bag was very close to her arms.

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