He seemed to be very worried. He checked Fang Chi in the summer and up and down several times to make sure that he did not find any injured places on her.

Looking at the car that the fire is still not extinguished, the small milk bag is particularly indignant. "Why is this happening well? When can the car coming out of the house accidentally happen? Is it someone who has moved his hands? Must let the north I found it out in the north, and thoroughly checked it out! If you know who you are doing, you will die!"

His tone is very embarrassing, not like a four-year-old child will say, after being angered, the eyes are fierce, especially like Luo Yibei.

Fang Chixia is thinking about this.

It’s still good when it comes, it’s really impossible to have a sudden accident.

However, for a while let her think specifically who did it, she could not think of it.

Just escaped from the car, her head was very dim.

Fang Chixia didn't want to think about such a complicated problem for the time being. On the small shoulder of the small milk bag, she took him with one arm. "Baby, you just had a loud voice!"

"I am worried about you! You are not woken up by me?" The small milk bag found a good reason for himself.

Fang Chixia thought about it too. He was amused and laughed. Her head snorted on his shoulder. "Mummy’s head is a little dizzy, let me rely on it."

"How can I not be careful? Scared the baby!" The little milk bag back to her, the sound softened.

"Mother will pay attention later." Fang Chi Xia licked his head, the picture of two people leaning together, extraordinarily warm.

Not far away, a car drove towards this side.

In the dark, I couldn't see the license plate number. However, when passing through Fangchi Xia, through the fire on the scene, she saw the person in the driver's seat.

Su dye!

Su Dian was also looking at her side, only a faint glance, the line of sight immediately received back.

The black car grew like a gust of wind, drowning in the night and disappearing.

Fang Chixia’s line of sight moved in the direction in which her car disappeared, and her brow was wrinkled.

Why is she here?

The direction of the Su family is not here. This place is still very remote. There are few villas in the suburbs.

Fang Chi Xia quietly meditated for a while, his eyes sank.

After the accident, I came here at such a good time.

Originally with Su Tian, ​​now I am alone from here alone.

Is it to see what, but can't let Su Tian know?

Outside the car window, Luo Yibei took Cheng Anning to come over here.

Cheng Anning was heavier than Fang Chi Xia, and his legs were awkward.

“Are you alright?” Fang Chixia reviewed God and opened the door for the two.

"Go to the hospital first." Luo Yibei pushed Cheng Anning to get on the bus, and he sat in the driver's seat and started to drive to the nearest hospital.

After arriving at the hospital, Fang Chixia and Cheng Anning were sent to the ward.

When Fang Chi Xia was only shaken out of the car, his head was shocked and there was no trauma.

Cheng Aning was injured in the leg and needs to be observed in the hospital for a few days.

The two people's wards are different. After Luo Yibei sent Cheng Anning, he has been in Fangchixia.

Sitting on the bed, he is also thinking about the accident.

"North-North, if you find the behind-the-scenes of the accident, remember to pay back ten times!" The small milk bag still has no anger, and when it comes to the accident, the small fist is tight, and he is particularly angry.

"Good." Luo Yibei indulged his head.

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