The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1737: Friendship of two families

"Is there something?" His voice was particularly cold, as if he was talking to a stranger.

Lorge's face was dark for a few seconds, and there was a rage in his chest.

However, it did not vent on the phone.

"Go home for dinner at night, family dinner!" In a word, he hung up the phone, a word is not superfluous.

I didn’t even explain what was going on tonight.

He is talking about family dinners, and Luo Yibei naturally understands the dinner for the Luo family.

Looking sideways at Fang Chi Xia, "Would you like to go together?"

"No, I can easily solve it at home with Xiao Yi." Fang Chi Xia faintly refused.

Luo Yibei thinks that Lonki’s attitude towards her is really not suitable for her to go back together.

After arriving at the house, she sent the small milk bag to the kindergarten, then transferred to Rong Xi, and stayed in Rong Xi for a day. In the evening, he first sent the home of Fang Chi Xia Hui, and then drove to Luojia.

Luojia general family dinners are carried out at home, except for occasional occasions where outsiders participate.

However, this time, after arriving at his home, Luo Yibei was told by his family's servant that the gathering place was at the CL Hotel.

The CL Hotel was opened by Luo Yibei from the youngest to the big buddies. It belongs to the company of Mu's. The Luojia people are frequent visitors there. Luo Yi went to the north and did not think much.

Until the arrival of the box, push the door of the box door.

There are a lot of people sitting in the room. In addition to the distant baby who is married abroad, the rest are here.

Su Tian and Cheng Anning are also!

The two families of people sat together, the scene was grand, and it was like a blind date.

Luo Yibei looked faintly from Su Tian’s face and looked at Lonqi, who was sitting with him. His face sank a bit.

Lonchi didn't care about his indifferent tone. If he had nothing to say to him, "Come, come and sit down!"

"Grandpa, what are you doing?" Luo Yibei stood on the doorstep and did not move in one step.

"It's not just a family dinner, what's wrong?" If nothing happened, Lonchi didn't take his words seriously.

“Family dinner?” Luo Yibei only thought his words were ironic.

So fast and Su Jiacheng's family?

"When are we going to have a few more people in Luo's family?" He couldn't speak anyone's face at all, his eyes faintly sweeping toward Su Tian's face, his irony was particularly sharp.

Lonchi’s face was like a black cloud after his words, and it was a bit dark.

"I am still very busy. If there is nothing else, I will go back!" Luo Yibei didn't look at his face. He turned and wanted to leave, but he was stopped by the sand weaving star. "Since it is here, sit down." !"

She has always been a very elite person, has her own thoughts, and has always stood on the side of Luo Yibei and Fang Chi Xia.

She does not do anything like Luo Yibei and Luo Xixi, what to do if she wants to do anything, regardless of anyone's face, and does not give anyone face.

She considers the problem and considers it very thoughtfully. She is very careful and will weigh a lot.

She said so, Luo Yibei knew that she had her own thoughts, and she stopped and walked slowly toward her.

Sha Zhixing picked up the menu, and if he had nothing to do with the waiter, "Grandpa likes to eat Chinese, Xixi and Yibei French, Anning and Su Shu's Italian style..."

She showed this meal from beginning to end as if there was really nothing to happen, and the tone was very idle.

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