She also knows the taste of everyone, helping a big table to order a meal, and a lot of points. After a meal is delivered, she gracefully greets this, greets that, and chats with Su Tian for a while. I talked to Lorge for a while, and there was almost no cold spot on the scene.

In terms of communication, Sha Zhixing is undoubtedly an expert.

As long as she opened her mouth, there would be basically no cold spots.

She usually did not communicate with Su Tian in peacetime, but today she is particularly enthusiastic about Su Tian, ​​talk to him about this, talk about that, basically did not let Su Tian have a mouth to say other words.

Lorge’s situation was similar. She whispered and chatted with him, and did not open the topic.

Sha Zhixing is alone, dragging Lonqi and Su Tianquan!

Luo Yibei stared at her for a while, and suddenly realized why she had let her sit down and dine!

Sha Zhixing helped him to drag the two troublesome characters. As long as the two old men didn't have the chance to mention the marriage, the scene was awkward. This meal, he sat down and ate nothing.

Sha Zhixing’s thoughtful work is also to call Luo Yibei back, so that the relationship between the grandson and the grandson will not be made more difficult.

When Lonchi chatted with her, she kept staring at Cheng Anning and Luo Yibei. It seemed that she wanted to say something, and every time she said nothing, she was interrupted by Sha Zhixing. "Dad, yes, let's prepare for the new company in the past few days. Are you ready to investigate the market yourself?"

She has a lot of ways to open the subject, and each time the question is chosen, it is the kind that can make Lonki talk a lot.

Half a meal, Lonki and Su Tian were almost driven by her.

Cheng Anning has been very well-behaved since its appearance.

She is indeed much better than Su, she will not be as persistent as Su Dye, stubbornly sticking to the one that is not her own.

After she appeared, she was always using her own meal. She wouldn’t talk to Luo Yibei for a few words. It’s also about some work...

After Fang Chi Xia was sent home by Luo Yibei, he wanted to prepare a dinner for the small milk package.

She wanted to do some tricks that the child liked, but tried it a few times. However, she didn't succeed once.

The small milk bag took a chair and stood in front of the cooking table, staring at her, waiting for her dinner.

"Failed again?" He seems to have some disobedience. Looking at the things that Fang Chi Xia made, the disgust on his face is undisguised.

Fang Chi Xia was hit by him. I don’t know how to continue to make such a toss when the two men can eat. He rubbed his head and hugged him. "Well, Mommy takes you out to eat!"

"Okay, go out to eat!" The little milk bag was actually hungry at this time, and the small arm licked her neck. He readily agreed.

Two people drove away from the villa after that, and the small milk bag used his child's mobile phone to make a phone call to Luo Yibei.

"North-North, where are you now?"

Luo Yibei only when he was in the post, did not know that he and Fang Chixia came out, told him his position without hesitation, "CL Hotel!"

"I haven't gone yet?" The little milk bag secretly remembered his hotel name and asked him.

"It should be a while." Luo Yibei whispered.

"Okay, I know." The small milk bag hung up the phone and stared at Fang Chixia, who was focused on driving ahead. He smiled and said, "Summer, we went to the CL hotel."

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