Fang Chixia was driving, and he didn't pay attention to the contents of his phone call. Only when he was in a whim, he didn't think much about driving the car.

Arrive at the restaurant, leave the car to the waiter to stop, the small milk bag walks in front, while walking and looking around.

"Baby, what are you looking at?" Fang Chixia followed a few steps, and the suspicion frowned.

"It's okay!" The little milk bag returned to her if nothing happened, and her eyes were still staring around.

The two entered the restaurant one after the other, Fang Chixia wanted to take him to the public dining area, but the small milk bag took her to the box.

This way, he made Fang Chi Xia stunned.

Just so small, I know how to taste?

The door of the box where Luo Yibei is located is not closed, and it is hidden.

The small milk bag took Fang Chi Xia all the way in the box area, and when passing through the box, the footsteps were closed, and the inside called, "North-North!"

Very abrupt voice, the decibel is still a bit high.

Luo Yibei in the house seemed to be stunned. The square pool in the corridor was lived in summer, and a large group of people in the house were all stunned.

The small milk bag can't see Cheng An Ning and Su Tian in the house. Since the door is pushed away, the small hand is pulled over Fang Chi Xia, and she walks straight in with her.

"Grandma is good, my grandfather is good!" The little gentleman and the sand-weaving star Luo Xixi greeted each other, and politely bowed to the two men. He smiled. "Grandfather and grandmother don't mind me and Xia Xia come over." ?"

He used to call Sha Zhixing as the "Mrs. Weaving Star" and called the name directly called Luo Xixi.

The main reason is that the two are too young to look like they are in their thirties. He feels that it is not appropriate to call grandparents.

This is the first time this is called two people.

Sha Zhixing and Luo Xiwei were originally on the side of the square pool and they liked him very much. Naturally, it is impossible to mind.

A relative's "grandfather" and "grandmother", naturally, are sweet to the heart of Sha Zhixing and Luo Xixi.

"Of course I don't mind! How can the grandmother mind the baby?" Sha Zhixing was very happy. He pulled Xiaoyi, and kissed him on his face and picked him up on his lap.

Let the waiter add two pieces of tableware, and she turned her head and started to greet Fang Chixia. "Summer and summer, since you are here, sit together!"

Fang Chixia has been stiff in the room since its appearance, and his footsteps have not moved.

The face turned to Luo Yibei, looked at him, and stared at Cheng Anning and Su Tian, ​​her lips were very tight, and her eyes almost cooled down when she entered the house.

"I didn't know when I came." Luo Yibei knew that she had misunderstood the scene tonight, and explained for herself, her eyes motioned for her to sit down.

Fang Chi Xia only looked at him coolly, and his footsteps still did not move.

The small milk bag slid down from the sand-weaving star's leg, and walked a few steps, pulling her to the direction of the sand-weaving star.

Su Tian and Luo Xiwei, who were sitting next to Sha Zhixing, brought Fang Chi Xia. Luo Xiyi gave her a seat very thoughtfully, and she sat down with Lonchi.

Su Tian’s face was a bit dark after Fang Chi Xia’s arrival. When he saw Luo Xi’s move, his face was even more ugly.

When Fang Chi Xiagang came in, I saw that the two people were sitting together and they were a bit like a family.

If this happened before, she would definitely turn her head away.

However, today, when she saw Su Tian’s face, her impulse to leave again was held back.

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