The Luo family at the table did not stop him from the beginning to the end. Luo Yibei even stood in front of Lonqi’s face and gave him a thumb.

He is admiring the behavior of the little milk bag.

Four-year-old children make trouble, even if they do too much, they will be forgiven.

But adults are different. Even if an adult doesn't word a word or two, it may be held by the tail.

Today's small milk bag, it is a help to the pool summer and beautifully gave the Su family a blow.

A box, because the Su family left, the atmosphere has eased a lot.

Lorge did not say anything today. Xiao Yi even did so too much. He did not say a word, and even pleaded with each other. "Baby, what do you want to eat? With Grandpa said, Grandpa is coming again!" ”

"I am a child from north and north and summer and summer. I like what I like in North and North and summer and summer!" The little milk bag carried a small face and answered it for granted.

What he said is actually a fact. Although he did not grow up around Luo Yibei and Fang Chixia, his preference is really two.

However, no one at the scene took his words seriously.

The people in one room all used his words as children's words.

Isn't it a lot of children to talk in this way?

Lorge called the waiter and added a few dishes according to Xiao Yigang.

He was really good for Xiao Yi. He took Xiao Yi from Luo Yibei, placed the child on his lap, cut the meat for him, feared that he was kneeling, fed him a drink, helped him pick a fishbone, and carefully Do all the work.

Luo Yibei seems to have not enjoyed the treatment when he was a child. Today he gave this kid all!

Luo Yibei looked at Lonqi like this in a quiet voice, and the corners of his lips were hooked.

Is Xiaoyi now the old man's soft?

There is a soft leon right! There is a soft le, I am not afraid of setting him up!

If he and Fang Chi Xia have more children, Luo Yibei thinks that Lorge is afraid that every day he will be beaten.

Thinking of this, his gaze quietly glanced at Fang Chixia, opposite the dining table.

Fang Chi Xia was innocently eating, and Yu Guang’s eyes glanced at his eyes and looked up at him.

Luo Yibei hooked his lips without any trouble, and he was very happy to divide the contents of his plate into half. " Eat more! Mom always thinks you are too thin!"

Fang Chi Xia Su looked at him suspiciously, his eyes recovered, and he continued to use the meal.

Xiao Yi was still there, and Lonchi didn't bother her.

A dinner, more than her and a small milk bag, a large group of people sitting together, compared to the scene of Su Tian, ​​is actually more like a family.

After using the meal, Lonci could not reluctantly try to bring Xiaoyi back to Luojia. "Baby, can you go back with Grandpa? There are many toys in the house, and there are real helicopters!"

"This has to ask me what I mean!" The small milk bag turned cold and turned to Luo Yibei.

Luo Yibei knows how to collect and release. Now, Lonki is like a fishing line in his hand. He puts it longer and receives more talent.

At this stage, it is not suitable for Xiao Yi to go too far with him.

"Xiaoyi will recognize the bed, no pool summer will not sleep." Faceless expression of Lonqi's small easy to hold over, Luo Yibei took the child and got on the bus.

The white ran a car with a family of three, and did not even have a stay.

Lorne’s face was green.

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