The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1742: Princess-style return feast

The matter of the blind date, because of Xiao Yi’s spoiler, Lonki and Su Tian had not wanted to say anything.

Luo Yibei thought that this was the case. After returning, the next day, as usual, and Fang Chi Xia, the same mood, did not affect the slightest.

In the afternoon of the next day, Luojia received several invitations, and the Sujia sent people to come to meet the party of Su Mu's return.

Su Mu has always been a piece of meat on Su Tian's heart. He doesn't seem to be affected by Su dyeing. When Su Mu came back, what was unhappy was diluted.

This party was expensive, and it invested 38 million in one night. The princess-style treatment, he directly used the action to declare Su Mu’s status in this home and his favor for this granddaughter.

There were a lot of guests invited by this dinner, and some of the big families in C City, as well as some people who called the names, almost came, and the cold home that dominated the officialdom was no exception.

Everyone in Luojia has received an invitation. Luo Yibei did not want to come, but the couple of Sha Zhixing Luo Xixi just had no time tonight.

Luo Yibei was helpless, and he was forced to take care of his mentality.

It seems that after he got married, he attended any social occasion, and there was always a square pool summer, and tonight is no exception.

Fang Chixia followed him and didn't want to come, but thought that this dinner was held by Sujia. I don't know if the old heads of Suluo would not toss anything, she came.

After all, Su Tian is a veteran in the shopping mall. He has been in the social circle for decades and his emotions are deep.

It was obvious that last night, he had such unpleasant things because of the appearance of Xiao Yi and Fang Chi Xia.

However, once again, he saw Luo Yibei, and he was able to behave as if nothing had happened.

"Easy, you are here!" Far from seeing Luo Yibei, who came in with Fang Chixia, Su Tian greeted him and greeted him.

His eyes faintly glanced at Fang Chixia's face, and his lips swayed up in disarray. He turned his head and pulled Luo Yibei to go in the other direction of the crowd.

"There are a lot of guests coming tonight. You are also my half-scorpion. When Grandpa can't cope, come help tonight!"

As he walked, he was close to Luo Yibei.

He did not mention any unhappiness between the two, and nothing happened.

He deliberately installed, Luo Yibei also did not want to break.

Luo Yibei’s mentality is that he does not want to give Fang Chi Xia a pick. When the Su family did not come to him, he did not want to be too stiff with the Su family.

Otherwise, it will be Fang Chi Xia when it is used as a gun.

"Good." A faint response to Su Tian, ​​Luo Yibei led by him, at the scene to help him receive guests.

Who knows, Su Tian side overturned Cheng Anning again, "Anny, you come over! Tonight, the guests of Yibei almost know each other, you and him, I will introduce you to the Yibei meeting!"

Cheng Anning has always been a very obedient person in front of the elders. Su Tian said that she came to the two very smoothly.

"Easy, you bring her!" Su Tian pushed her to Luo Yibei and smiled.

Fang Chixia stood in a place not far from the two, quietly watching the scene here, his face a bit stagnant.

However, after a while, this matter was swayed by her.

She just watched Su Tian toss and see how many halls he can toss!

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