Fang Chi Xia seems to be seriously injured. On the way to the hospital, the blood on the back is still pouring, and it has not stopped.

Luo Yibei was beside her, her hand held her hand in her palm, and she obviously felt that her body temperature was turning cold.

The small milk bag was very worried. The eyes looked at the two people with a sigh of relief. When they saw the more and more dignified Luo Yibei, his eyes were red.

Fang Chixia was sent to the hospital a few minutes later, and then went directly to the emergency room.

A few minutes after entering, the door of the emergency room was opened and what seemed to be inside.

"What is the situation?" Luo Yibei stepped forward and blocked a doctor and asked coldly.

"Excessive blood loss, the need to urgently contact the blood bank for blood transfusion!" The doctor hurriedly confessed to him, and turned to call.

The emergency room seemed to be very chaotic. Several doctors went in and out of their busy schedules, and they didn't stop.

The small milk bag sat outside, the small head was hanging low and bungee.

"It’s all baby’s fault, otherwise summer and summer will not be like this!”

"It's not your business, the problem of squatting." Luo Yibei's mood is very complicated now, both the negligence to take care of the small milk bag, but also the other side of the summer worry.

"Baby grows up to take all the bad guys out for the summer and the newspaper's revenge!" The little milk bag was very angry, and when he spoke, his face was raging.

Luo Yibei actually thought in his heart that revenge still needs to wait for him to grow up for so many years?

However, the small milk bag is so determined, he can't bear to fight.

"Well, wait for the baby to grow up!" The hand smacked his head, and Luo Yibei took him to the doctor.

The emergency room was still busy outside, and the doctor called one after another.

"What is the situation now?" Luo Yibei called a doctor who just came out and asked coldly.

"I haven't found a matching blood type yet, and the situation is very bad now!" The doctor just hurriedly confessed, and then went busy.

Luo Yibei shocked, the face curve slowly stiffened.

The line of the small milk bag moved along the doctor's figure, listening to his phone calling again and again, his head hanging down, he seemed to be thinking about something.

The situation in the emergency room seems to be very bad. The doctors and nurses are still busy in and out of the busy, the blood bank has too few resources, and the matching blood has not been found.

Luo Yi went to the blood test, but the blood type did not match.

The three are now in Bali, and this time it is evening. It is also very inconvenient to contact other people.

Luo Yibei stopped at the operating room, and looked at the hospital staff who went in and out. The brow was always tightened.

"North-North!" The clothes were pulled, and the small milk bag called him.

Luo Yibei returned to God, coveted, and looked at him with a strange look. "What?"

The small milk bag spread his arms in front of him, looking up at his small face, watching his eyes brighten. "Maybe, my can!"

Luo Yibei, a black scorpion first flashed a touch of bright color, but, looking at his short man, his face dimmed again.

"What are you talking about?" Handcuffed his head, and Luo Yibei did not take his words seriously.

"Maybe I can really! Let's try it!" The little milk bag stubbornly put his arm in front of him.

He was in a hurry and his arm swayed in front of him several times.

The four-year-old child's arm, white skin, tender and tender, and even with baby fat.

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