The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1770: Go blood test alone

Luo Yibei did not know why he said this, and even some doubted that he did not understand what it was.

He understood Xiao Yi’s proposal as what he said after the child’s plot.

"Baby, blood transfusion has its own blood and will not be rejected after accepting it. It is not something that anyone can lose." Luo Yibei knew that he was worried about Fang Chixia and explained it very seriously.

"I know!" The little milk bag has a long-awaited expression.

Luo Yibei, a trip, even this has research?

"What blood type is summer and summer? Would you like to check it out?" The small milk bag looked at his eyes very bright, and the big eyes were even full of expectations.

"Summer and summer is RH-negative B-type blood." Luo Yibei slightly stunned and looked at him quietly, explaining slowly.

When the small milk packet was genetically identified earlier, I learned a little about the blood type. I know that the RH-negative blood type is not so common. I also know that if Fang Chixia has not found a suitable blood source, it will be very dangerous. Again, "North-North Let me try it!"

He was very anxious, still very panicked, and he almost couldn't wait to find a doctor to go to the blood test.

Luo Yibei can understand his mood, but, no matter what, he can't make a four-year-old child to save people.

The age of the child is still too small, and the age of donating blood has not been reached.

"The doctor will not do this kind of thing for such a small child. He will urge the hospital to look for it again!" Holding him, Luo Yibei took him and turned to find a doctor.

The little milk bag didn't give up, followed him, sulking his head and walking a few steps, and he didn't prevent it from coming out. "That should check my blood type! Just check and not lose!"

His proposal was very sudden. Luo Yi’s footsteps stopped at the foot of the North, turned his head and turned his eyes to him. “Why do you want to check the blood type suddenly?”

The little milk bag was asked by him, and he looked at him and didn't know what to answer.

The footsteps of the doctors running around are still coming.

"Is it found?" Luo Yibei asked with a doctor.

"Already in contact with the hospital to record a resident of the file, it may take a few minutes for the other party to come." The doctor rushed back to him.

Already connected!


Luo Yibei long sighed, stretched the nerves for a long time, and finally relaxed.

Coveted, his eyes fell on the face of Xiao Yi who was still staring at him. He was very serious. "I have found the blood source. Your blood is too honorable. For the sake of the land and summer and summer, you have to keep it, know. ?"

He is reminding Xiao Yi not to suffer any injuries and to protect himself in the future.

Xiao Yi is so clever that he has no idea.

"Go just wait for summer and summer!" Luo Yibei took his hand and led him back to the emergency room.

The eyes of the small milk bag stared at the door of the rescue room without hesitation, and quietly waited with him for the situation in the pool.

The blood transfusion was a local resident. After a few minutes, when the person arrived, he was sent directly to the blood test.

The line of the small milk bag moved along the figure of the man, and he ignored the Luo Yibei and did not pay attention to the room where he went to the blood test.

Luo Yibei’s heart was all placed on Fang Chi Xia in the rescue room, and he did not notice his move.

The small milk bag stood outside the blood test room and quietly looked at the person in the room for blood tests. After that, he was drawn blood. When the man left, he went straight in.

"Uncle, can you help me with the test?" He asked purely and innocently, and he didn't understand anything.

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