The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1772: Eight-point love story in North Summer

"Summer, you woke up." He opened his eyes in confusion, and he smiled warmly.

"Yeah." Fang Chi Xia licked his head.

"It’s good!" The little milk bag smashed her head into her arms, and her arms held her lightly. "Wake up, just woke up! Just woke up..."

He seemed to be a little excited, muttering the same sentence for a long time, holding her for a long time without separating.

The morning sun in Bali is not very hot, the mottled light and shadow shine on the face, warm, with the aroma of plumeria, warm as if to overflow...

Fang Chi Xia Cai just woke up, it takes a period of time to recover from the injury. After three people stayed in Bali for more than half a month to arrange the return trip.

Taking advantage of the time of Fang Chi Xia’s cultivation, Luo Yibei investigated all the names of people who had entered and exited Paris airport one month before and after the accident. However, those who had had an intersection with themselves recently arrived in Bali, except for him and his party. Chi Xia family, only cold and cold one.

However, cold prayer was left early when the incident occurred.

Even if he was on the island at the time, he could not explain too many problems.

Fang Chi Xia has now returned to China. After returning to C City, Luo Yibei put the matter of Bali on hold for a while, and spent all his energy on dealing with the problems that Lonchi made last time.

Fang Chixia only knows that he is very busy recently, but he does not know what he is busy with.

A few days after returning to China, she did not go out. She has been recovering from her family and occasionally picks up a small milk bag with her driver.

On the new weekend, I was locked up at home for ten days. Fangchi was so sullen in summer, and got up early for breakfast for three people.

The place where the three people live is fixed every month with a magazine from the fashion industry. The monthly magazine, Fang Chi Xia.

When I got up this morning, the magazine just sent it.

Down the stairs, through the garden, she first brought in the magazine at the door. After the breakfast was ready, I squinted at the table at random.

Rong Xi is mainly engaged in jewellery. Magazines related to the fashion industry often cover all aspects of Rong Xi’s reports, and more about Luo Yibei.

This month's magazine has ten pages all about Luo Yibei.

When Fang Chi Xia met his name, the action of flipping the book slowed down, and he stared at the above report with a random look.

Luo Yibei began to take over Rong Xi at the age of seventeen and eight, and now it has been several years.

He is different from other big family children. His anecdote is actually very few, and his private life is less. He has only reported him and Fang Chi Xia and Su Mu only a few times.

However, today's magazine's layout is overwhelmingly revealing his private life.

This magazine interview is emotional. In the past, Luo Yibei generally chose to ignore the topic directly.

The report has written a lot, overwhelmingly, and all kinds of adjectives are also depicted in the sky.

It is the story of Fang Chi Xia and Luo Yibei, from acquaintance, encounter, to marriage, these big and small things.

However, she offered to get married and got to know it in a day. I didn’t have it in this report.

This report recreates the story of the two in the form of a complete story.

What was the first time I met at the age of ten, and after a few years I met again, I loved, pursued, exchanged for a few years, got married, and the report of the ten-page page talked a lot, and told the stories of the two people, the fairy tale is beautiful, fast. Catch up with the eight-point story.

However, no detail is true.

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