The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1773: You are so cute, the car sees the car.

However, this report came out. After the summer, I used the mobile phone to retrieve the evaluation of her on the Internet. I was surprised to find that all the previous heated statements about her were all overwhelmed by the envy.

The network is like this. If most people's remarks turn better, then the rest of the rest can easily be reversed.

Luo Yibei This is the image of her in the eyes of the outside world through the abduction of the story!

Fang Chixia stared at the report for a while and was speechless about his approach.

On the spiral staircase, Luo Yibei walked downstairs with a slender leg. His eyes glanced in her direction and took a step to her. He took the magazine in her hand. "Looking at it. what?"

Very casual, just took a look, he threw it aside.

"A ten-year-old acquaintance?" Fang Chixia looked up and gave him a look. She faintly sarcastically. "It is a pity that Rong Xi is not taking an eight-point file."

She took the story of Li Luo Yibei's narrative of the two stories as fictional.

Luo Yibei squinted at the corner of his lips, only looked at her very deeply, and did not explain anything.

"Where is Xiao Yi?" The magazine in his hand was given to her, and his eyes were looked around in the villa.

"I don't know, isn't it upstairs?" Fang Chi Xia faintly returned to him.

Luo Yibei fox stared at the upstairs and glanced at it. He turned and walked upstairs and walked upstairs.

Children's room upstairs.

The small milk bag has been on the phone since it got up early in the morning.

He has been in trouble for several times, and he is not too embarrassed to speak directly and let him take his own identification. After the phone call, he has been following Schroeder.

"Little Lolo, you are so handsome today! As always, people love to see flowers and drive to see the car!"

The two are video calls, and he can see what it looks like at the other end of the phone.

Shi Luo didn't get up at 12 o'clock in the weekend. He was awakened by him early this morning. At this time, his hair was fluffy and sleepy. He didn't have any spirit at all, let alone handsome.

Too sweet sugar, he generally feels that the motive is not pure.

“Is it a disaster at home?” Shilo instinctively, his call today is not that simple.

"No, I am so embarrassed, so obedient, how can it be a disaster?" The small milk bag snorted and disdain for his words.

"Don't you let Chi Xia get hurt some time ago?" Shi Luo even disdain him.

The little milk bag was stunned by him, silent for a while, and the momentum was a little weak. "I didn't mean it last time."

Schloed didn't want to say anything about this kind of thing, so serious injuries, the little milk bag is definitely more unwilling to see than him.

"Well, my uncle is joking." Comforted him, Shilo Fox suspected picking his eyebrows, "Want to go out to play, North and North and summer are busy?"

"No, I missed you, I haven't seen you for a long time, so I will call you to care about you." The little milk bag smiled at him. He was very clever and didn't say the purpose, but first He contacted his feelings.

When you have a need, you think of others. This kind of thing hurts your feelings.

Schloed was speechless to him. "Get it, think what your uncle is doing, just say it."

The noisy was also woken up, and I shouldn’t be able to sleep at the end of the day. Shilo simply went out of bed and dressed and ready to go.

The little milk bag was silent for a while after his words, and he tempted his tone. "I think you will help me once again."


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