The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1776: Summer has already had children

What made him even more black-faced was the attitude of Lonci and the small milk bag.

The big one and the small ones look very much like each other, look like they look very similar, and even look at his eyes is the same.

The eyes of the two are watching the eyes of the vicious grandfather.

Lonchi didn't expect Xiao Yi to come over. It was a backlog of anger. But when the small milk bag appeared, the fire that he blocked in his chest was like a bucket of water. Was killed in half.

"Baby, how come you are? How come you don't call a grandfather before you come?" Lonci stood up and wanted to bend over to hug Xiaoyi. Xiaoyi took a few steps back and avoided him. Actions.

"What is it for Grandpa to let me come over this time?" Carrying a small hand, the little milk bag looks at his eyes is very cold.

Lorch was blocked by him and he was speechless.

He couldn't tell a four-year-old child that he was ready to break up his aunt's words.

However, what he did not expect was that he did not say that the small milk bag also guessed.

"Too grandfather is trying to let me go to see what Su is doing?" The little milk bag looked at him coldly and raised his chin in a proud manner. "I am very clear about the meaning of the place. He doesn't like that. Woman. The woman I loved is only one of my mommy! I also said, I will only be born with my mom in the future!"

He even said a lot, after the appearance of this, Lonki has not come to anxiously, he has already begun to declare.

You don't even need to plug in next to Luo Yibei.

Luo Yibei touched his chin and looked at the two people quietly, his lips slightly hooked.

Now he suddenly felt that it was enough to put the little milk bag on the court in the future.

Even if Lonchi is too tempered, no matter what the little milk bag says, he won't get angry with the small milk bag.

And often he was blocked by his words.

Let the little milk bag deal with Lorge, it is to stop him by stepping on Lonki's soft le, now it seems that the effect is absolutely good!

Luo Yibei was so good that he looked at the two people, and the spring break was slightly higher.

"Too grandfather, my mommy also calls you a grandfather, how can you make this kind of thing? Is summer and summer not good? You have done so much for summer and summer, what have you said from beginning to end in summer and summer, complained about what Already?"

"Even when the last grandfather made such a terrible thing in front of so many people, she did not resent you once. Such a granddaughter, grandfather still wants to think?"

"Baby, grandfather is just..." Lorge wanted to pull him to the side to explain, but the little milk bag didn't listen.

"Too grandfather, if you continue this way, baby will hate you!" He looked at him quietly, Xiao Yi added, "I will have a lot of my own children and Mommy, and my younger siblings will also Will you hate grandpa together, grandfather wants to see such a result?"

Lorne looked at him and said nothing.

As an elder, he can not care about Luo Yibei's attitude towards himself. However, only Luo Yibei is such a grandson. He can't help but mind that all children in Luo Yibei hate themselves!

The small milk bag secretly observed his reaction and thought about the identification report. Therefore, he added another sentence. "No, there are children in summer and summer..."

In a word, the sound dragged a bit long.

When I said it, my eyes still looked at Luo Yibei behind me.

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