His wording is that he already has a child.

In fact, he is suggesting himself, but the average person can easily understand that he means that Fang Chi Xia may have a child.

Lonchi also understands this.

Looking at him slyly, Lonchi’s face was white.

He has been stupidly asked by a small milk bag, and basically did not answer a word.

The small milk bag stood in the hall of Luojia but it was less than ten minutes, but he was tamed to obey.

He stared at him silently, and Xiao Yi added a sentence to the small adult. "Too grandfather think about it yourself!"

Luo Yi's north corner was pumping, and Lonchi's face was black.

As the owner of the Luo family, I have been in charge of the Luo family for so many years, this is the first time someone dared to train him!

Still a four-year-old child!

Xiao Yi is not afraid of him, nor does he have the meaning of staying here. He took the Luo Yibei and took him to the room of Sha Zhixing. "I was injured before summer and summer, we looked at Grandpa from north to north. Go back soon after Grandma!"

"it is good."

The father and son talked on both sides and went upstairs. They never turned back from beginning to end.

Lonchi stood stiff in the distance, as if he hadn’t recovered from the words of Xiao Xiaoyi.

When Luo Yi went north to the corner of the building, he stared at him and looked at him. Then he looked at Xiao Yi.

He was actually very happy. He didn't expect the help of the small milk bag to be so big.

Even Lorge, who is highly respected and defiant, has been given training!

I even replied that the other party’s voice didn’t scream!

"Baby, done beautifully!" Patted Xiao Yi's shoulder, Luo Yibei gave him a look of appreciation.

The small milk bag was very cold and lifted up and lifted the small chin. "Let him bully my mommy!"

"Hey!" Luo Yibei picked him up and rarely took the initiative to kiss him on his face.

From the first time I saw Xiaoyi to the present, the relationship between the two was very close, but it was always Xiaoyi who took the initiative to kiss him.

I often get a lot of slobber.

Luo Yibei was very disgusted with him and rarely took the initiative to be so close to him.

The small milk bag was smashed, and he glanced at him. He first squatted slightly, then bent his eyebrows and turned his back to kiss him.

The two people went upstairs together, and then chatted with the Sha Zhixing Luobeibei couple. The two did not stay in Luojiadu, but went directly to their home.

After chatting with Luo Yibei this morning, the small milk bag was in a good mood. When I went back to see Fang Chi Xia, my eyes were bright.

Fang Chi Xia glanced at him. He looked at him like this. His eyes were smeared and he was hurt. "Is the money on the road?"

The small milk bag gave her a blank eye. "No, it just happened to be happy."

"What?? Let's listen." Fang Chi Xia was bored, pressed him to sit on his side and chatted with him.

The small milk bag raised her face and looked at her quietly. She wanted to explain it directly, but when she reached the lips, she resisted the impulse.

He is not in a hurry. He just wants to know his own life. As for Fang Chixia and Luo Yibei, I don’t know. For Xiao Yi, it’s important not to know the truth.

The three people are now similar to the family. No matter whether Luo Yibei and Fangchi Xia know it, he knows that both of them will regard him as his own.

With this in mind, the little milk bag did not say this for the time being, but instead went to call Chen Chengxi.

His life experience may be able to learn something from Qi Chengxi.

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