The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1800: Unconditional maintenance

Three billion is not a small number for the big company, the biggest problem this time is that it has lost so many excellent designs!

On the night after the incident, Luo Yibei was called back to Luojia.

Fang Chi Xia is the person who is mainly responsible for this matter, and he followed.

When entering the house, everyone in the Luo family was there.

The couple of Sha Zhixing locked their eyebrows and seemed to be thinking about how to solve the problem.

Lorge's face was dark and his face curve was stretched from beginning to end.

He did not look at Luo Yibei, but he was always staring at Fang Chi Xia.

Fang Chixia was in trouble this time. He was so worried, and her heart was awkward. "Grandpa, this is something I did not do well enough. I will find a way to save it."

"Everyone is pre-released, how to save?" Lonchi looked at her with a cold eye, and there was no temperature at all.

"Looking for a lawyer to draft a document to sue the other party, let the other party declare that the ownership of the jewels is in Rongxi, and will arrange for people to recover the money they have not received!"

"What tells you? Evidence?" Lonchi whispered.

When Fang Chi Xia was asked by him, he suddenly disappeared.

She currently has no evidence.

Take out the original design of Rong Xi?

The other party has designed it, obviously.

Fang Chixia suddenly did not know what to do.

"Yong Hee has ever had a big list. He never showed the design drawings to customers in advance, even if it was one! Do you know?" Lonchi stretched a cold face and looked at her eyes very harshly.

I paused and added another sentence. "I thought that this sales model for new designers was not reliable! It is Yibei who has no principle support and I have nothing to do with this!"

His tone clearly revealed the dissatisfaction of the other pool summer.

This plan was started when the plan of the early summer pool was just raised.

Now that something happened to Fang Chixia, it has undoubtedly added to his dissatisfaction with Chi Xia.

Fang Chi Xia lightly bowed his head and did not defend himself.

However, Luo Yibei, who is next to him, can't stand it anymore.

"There is such a thing, the grandfather's most responsible person is the one who promised this plan, not the pool summer!" The eyes coldly swept away to Lonchi's face, he faintly snorted, scornfully Add a sentence, "Not just a few billion, how big is it?"

He said very disdain, compared to Lonchi's anger, he was much lighter.

There was no such thing as an attitude. I heard Lonchi’s violent temper and wanted to pick up the crutches of the old man next to him.

"Louis North, what are you talking about?"

"Isn't it?" Luo Yibei coldly returned to him and took Fang Chixia to go outside the house. "I will find a solution to this problem, and I will not worry about other people. I will go first." ”

He walked very simply, and his footsteps even stopped. The figures of the two men disappeared into the night.

Lorne behind him was black.

"Reverse! Against the sky!"

"Easy did not say anything wrong." Next, Luo Xi's voice was cold and sounded.

The absolute maintenance of the tone is more irritating than the words of Luo Yibei Gang.

Lonchi glanced at him, and his father and son were mad at the chest, and they couldn’t calm down for a long time.

"When you are involved in shopping malls, who has not made mistakes? Dad, have you not been there? Chi Xia is still young, you can study a lot of time, Dad doesn't have to be too harsh on her!" Luo Xizhen stood up and took care of his shirt's neckline. If you have nothing to do, go to your room on the upper floor.

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