Fang Chixia left Luo's home with Luo Yibei and went back to this road. He was thinking about this.

When she negotiated, she tried the person many times. It was obviously the operator. How suddenly changed the design company?

Moreover, several supervisors before Rongxi also investigated the client. So many people have investigated it. It is not only her, but probably so many people have not thought of it.

Fang Chixia never thought about this problem. After going back to the study, he investigated the company for several hours.

She even turned the history of the company out, and all the business involved was investigated, and she did not find any business related to the design.

This seems to be the first time.

Jewelry operators suddenly started jewelry design overnight, and gave Rong Xi such a blow to the defense. Fang Chixia thought that this was too embarrassing.

Luo Yibei said this thing in the Luo family when it was irrelevant, but after returning, it was very troublesome to spend all his energy on it.

After the two arrived at home, he kept closing the study room and pondered how to solve this problem.

Designing this kind of thing, once it is preemptively released, there is almost no possibility of recovery.

He did not entangle the remedy for too long, but instead focused on how to counterattack the other party.

People re-investigated the other party's information, surveyed all the business partners of the other party, and the business that was recently talked about. Luo Yibei fingertips slammed the desktop and looked at the confidential information sent to him by the people in the notebook. He suddenly tapped the corner of his lips.

"Are you ready to do something?" The side of the side of the pool, the summer sight line just came over and saw this scene, and the suspicion frowned.

"No, I will go out next time!" Luo Yibei faintly and she confessed, stood up and walked slowly to the outside.

"Where to go?" Fang Chixia followed, went out and ran to catch up. When he entered the master bedroom in Luoyi North and prepared to bring the door back, she stood in front of the door and squeezed the entry panel to stop him. action.

"Miss Fang, I change clothes!" Luo Yibei's gaze faintly glanced at her body across the middle of the door, picking her eyebrows.

"Where?" Fang Chixia ignored his words, but continued to ask.

"Go to a person's home." Luo Yibei did not say very clearly.

"Which person's home?" Fang Chixia asked.

"Check the post?" Luo Yi's north lip corner into a thin line, the bottom of the eyes is very strong, "Reassuring, is a man!"

Fang Chixia pushed the door open with one hand and entered directly. The backhand brought the door.

"I will go with you!"

Luo Yibei slightly stunned.

"Is it inconvenient?" Fang Chi Xia over the side and gave him a look.

"No." Luo Yibei returned to God and decided to veto.

"That's all together." Fang Chi Xia went straight to the closet.

She didn't know what occasion he was going to go, opened the closet, stared at the clothes inside, and looked forward to waiting for Luo Yibei to pick the clothes first. She followed his style.

Luo Yibei likes that she didn't expect her to make such a proposal. She stared at her for a while, and slowly walked over and picked herself a black casual dress.

After that, in front of her face, changed.

Fang Chi Xia also chose black clothes for himself, and changed his back to him.

"Let's go!" The hair was arbitrarily tied into a ponytail, and she walked in front of the room and went outside.

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