The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1839: a kiss that makes trouble (4)

"Louis North, you are enough! Enough!" Fang Chixia was very annoyed with his behavior. He struggled fiercely in his arms, raised his fist and beat him, pushed him, and nothing worked. Holding his neck, she refused to give up and bite him back.

The dispute between the two people, once the action is intimate, even if the dispute is fierce, it seems to have cast a shadow of embarrassment.

Luo Yibei did not know whether she wanted to toss her, or the animal nature in her bones was stimulated by her. She bit her hard and he tore the clothes on her.

Fang Chi Xia refused to show his clothes on his body. Every time his clothes fell by an inch, she leaned over and bite on his exposed skin, leaving a row of clear and neat teeth. Feeling not enough, climbing his fingertips on his back and even licking him a few times.

The place where Luo Yibei was bitten by her, like the electricity, the bursts of numbness spread through the thin blood vessels, and quickly penetrated the blood of the whole body.

He seems to be stimulated, and even tears feel trouble, directly pushing her skirt...

The place where the two were located was a wilderness. A breeze slid through the window of the car. In the car, the screaming at the beginning of the car slowly turned into a respite of ups and downs...

The dispute between two people, I do not know when, from the fierce, directly evolved into a passion / love...

In the white Lamborghini, heavy gasps sounded from time to time, and even accompanied by a woman's whisper.

The body seems to have shaken several times and again.

Luo Yibei is holding a stomach fire. He actually knows who Fang Chi Xia’s heart is. He is in a fire. Why are the two together?

Thinking of the picture, he couldn't help but want to toss her.

Fang Chi Xia couldn't stand him, his body climbed very tightly, his head was on his shoulder, and her soft request, "Easy, I don't want it!"

Luo Yibei's most unbearable is her soft clothes.

If you are in such a situation, he will usually give up.

However, today he is probably stimulated by the same wild Fang Chi Xia, but he did not hear her words, the action not only did not stop, but even intensified.

Fang Chi Xia is somewhat annoyed and still has some helplessness.

In the chaos, she snorted, "Luo Yibei, you are like this again, not afraid of having a baby any day, have you not been detected yet?"

Her words are actually in a hurry, and the little tricks are a bit despicable.

There is no basis, but it is also reasonable.

The two had not been prepared for prevention recently, and it was possible to happen at any time.

Finally, the action of Luo Yibei slowly stopped.

However, he still did not release her.

In the eyes of the two men, she was so glaring at her, letting her sit on her body, his eyes were like a sword and fell on her face, staring at her.

"Today is just a coincidence, the car just broke down nearby." Fang Chixia was a little afraid of his continued, stiff explanation.

Luo Yibei did not speak, just staring at her.

Her eyes glanced on her face for several laps and then fell on her stomach.

He stared at her stomach for a long time, and even raised his hand and fell on it.

His movements were very cautious, and his eyes were still cold. However, as soon as he turned to her belly, like a glacier suddenly sprinkled a piece of sunshine, suddenly it was mild.

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