The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1840: a kiss that gets into trouble (5)

His gaze, the gentleness that can't be said, the whisper of the breeze, the action is as careful as the care of the most cherished baby.

This way, he saw Fang Chi Xia stunned, his eyes slowly softened.

He should be looking forward to the two children?

Staring at him like this, Fang Chi Xia accidentally went away.

When I returned to God, the car had already started.

Luo Yibei’s face once again recovered from the frosty look, and drove back to the road without saying a word.

Fang Chi Xia has become accustomed to his expression, and he did not care about him.

After going back, Xiaoyi took home and thought about the gentleness that Luo Yibei stared at her belly this afternoon, as if it could melt people's eyes, and looked at the small milk bag around him. Fang Chixia felt that Tell him about Xiaoyi.

In the evening, Fang Chixia carefully prepared a dinner into the kitchen.

She has been in the kitchen for a few times, and Luo Yibei stared at her disappearing in the kitchen door, and she raised her eyebrows.

Fang Chi Xia is busy inside, and there are many ingredients placed in front of the cooking table, and I am preparing for a celebration feast.

The small milk bag was turned around her in the kitchen, sitting high on a children's chair. He was like a little appraiser. What did Fang Chixia do? He would take a child's fork and taste it. Then, push the plate to the side and put it one by one.

"Summer and summer, this is good!" A very serious comment, the small milk bag holding a spoon in the left hand, holding the fork in the right hand, the eyes turned to the next dish she is carefully prepared.

Luo Yi went into the kitchen and poured water. The kettle was placed right next to Fang Chi Xia.

Facelessly walked in, took a cup for himself, and stood next to Fang Chixia, and he squeezed her face to the side with a cold face.

He obviously has no anger, and she is very strong in pushing her.

Fang Chi Xia Yu stepped back a few steps, and by the cooking station to stabilize himself, staring at him and looking at it, it did not seem to reflect his behavior.

The small milk bag is still sitting next to it.

He is the one who is most unwilling to be bullied by Chi Xia. The child's spoon in his hand is slammed on the plate. His brow wrinkles and the righteous words are severely criticized. "North and North, you can't do this to me." !"

His maintenance is very obvious. The name called Fang Chi Xia is called "my mommy", and it is called the name of Luo Yibei.

In this sentence, the status of the two in him is already very obvious.

He was born in Fangchi Xia in October, and she was not allowed to suffer any grievances, even if that person was Luo Yibei!

No matter what happened, he always stood on the side of Fang Chi Xia!

He still seems very angry, his face is sulking, and when he looks at Luo Yibei, his face is still very serious.

The action of Luo Yi North Gang is actually quite gentle.

If he really wants to vent his anger at a person, he has a hundred ways to toss a person.

He is not a gentle man himself. This kind of action often happens between him and Fang Chi Xia.

However, being stunned by the small milk bag, he groaned and his eyes turned to Fang Chi Xia behind him.

Fang Chi Xia was just smashed at the time, not as serious as a small milk bag.

"The land has not evolved completely, so be considerate!" Squatting the head of the small milk bag, Fang Chixia did not worry about the new thing.

She was brutal in the darkness of Luo Yibei, and she did not speak a dirty word.

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