The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1847: Evenly contested (6)

He didn't know where Fang Chi Xia was. He drove on the road and tried to call her several times. However, he was not answered at all.

Luo Yibei looked for the most frequent places in Fangchixia, either in the apartment she used to live in, or Tongyanjia, or two villas in the early days.

His goal was clear. He drove to the last two places, did not find someone, and then went to the apartment near her school.

It was already past 4 am when I arrived near the school.

The apartment did not find anyone and looked around in a circle.

Fang Chi Xia’s figure did not see it, only saw the car she was parked outside the bar.

Entering the bar, taking control, and seeing the face of the man who left with her, Luo Yibei’s anger suddenly came up.

Cold and cold.

The monitoring outside the bar only shows that Fang Chi Xia left with cold and cold, and did not show the precise direction of the two.

Luo Yibei tried to call Fang Chi Xia several times again. He still didn't answer the call. He drove in the city and continued to look for it in the city.

When I was on the way, I called the people under my hand, and people called out all the monitoring nearby.

When I got the surveillance video, it was already six o'clock in the morning.

Find the place where Fang Chi Xia and cold praying cold, close to seven.

A nearby high-end hotel, the information on the opening of the hotel is also two people.

Luo Yibei took the room card he got from the waiter, went upstairs and squirted his chest.

When he came to the door and opened the door, he took the hand of the house card and the blue veins were churning.

Ticking, with the sound of the door card, the door slowly opened -

Fang Chi slept in the summer for a long night, and the sound of his opening the door was noisy, and he opened his eyes in confusion.

There was a sound of water in the bathroom, and it seemed that someone was taking a shower.

When the door sounded, the sound of the water just stopped.

Fang Chixia’s line of sight followed the sound source. He didn’t figure out what was going on at the moment. However, when the gaze turned to Luo Yibei’s face at the door, she was shocked and white, and all the expressions were solidified. .

Luo Yibei is at the door, the bathroom is...

Luo Yibei looked at her coldly, her eyes as cold as a sharp sword, as if she could pierce her.

Fang Chixia was shocked to see him appearing suddenly, and his head was rumbled.

The bathroom door was opened after that, and the cold praying in the bathrobe came out of it.

The corner of his eye slanted at the door of Luo Yibei, he just glanced at it, did not say hello, he took his eyes back.

The line of sight turned to Fang Chi Xia, and he greeted her softly, "Wake up!"

Fang Chi Xia seems to have been stupid, his eyes wide open and looked at him, as if he did not respond to what is happening at the moment.

"Hungry? It was so hard last night, would you like to have breakfast?" Cold prayed cold and tied his belt, and slowly walked towards her.

She came to sit in front of her bed, in front of Luo Yibei, took the face of Fang Chi Xia, and her lips gently printed a kiss on her forehead.

Outside the door, the chill in the eyes of Luo Yi is even more prosperous.

His eyes were cold and cold as if the pressure around him had dropped a lot.

Fang Chi Xia only feels that he is being frozen.

The cold praying cold image is like seeing him outside the door. He wrapped the body of Fang Chi Xia with his coat and helped her open the sheet.

"What do you like to eat? I will help you!" I wanted to help her get out of bed, the hand had not touched her body, and a shadow behind her was suddenly covered, and Luo Yibei’s fist waved toward him.

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