The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1848: Evenly contested (7)

He was completely irritated, and he was very embarrassed to start. He sent people to death. He burst into a fist and was cold and cold. He was hit in the middle of his abdomen and was beaten with blood.

Luo Yibei cold face, did not give him time to react, but also a fist to fly over to him.

His movements are very fast, and as long as he is shot, it is almost difficult to avoid.

Cold and cold is a little late, and the face is in the middle.

From last night to the present, his anger has been backlogged.

Now I have two fists in the middle, and the anger is burning more vigorously.

The back of the hand wiped the blood of his lips, slowly sitting up from the bed, his eyes swept to the face of Luo Yibei, and he shot his fist in the opposite direction.

A contest that is evenly matched.

The fires of the two men were very big, and the cold and cold fire came from Fang Chi Xia, who was so embarrassed last night.

Luo Yibei was still annoyed by the fact that Fang Chi Xia and cold and cold in the past two days. Seeing this scene this morning, all the anger is like being detonated by the fuse, and every fist is not merciless.

Two people, you punched me with a punch, and finally did not know who first raised the gun.

Fang Chixia was shocked to see this scene, watching the black lacquered muzzle in the hands of the two, breathing stagnation.

"Are you two enough?" Going over and trying to stop, but Luo Yibei rudely squatted behind him, "Let's get out!"

His strength was great, and Fang Chixia stepped back a few steps. He did not stand still for a while, and the wolf fell on the ground.

Cold praying cold eyes swept to her face, seems to be irritated by the action of Luo Yibei, the trigger in the hand, slammed.


In the room, the dull guns rang, the bullets pierced the air, and flew directly to Luo Yibei.

Fang Chi Xia was shocked and shriveled, and his eyes looked stiff in the direction of Luo Yibei.

Luo Yibei’s reaction was very agile, and he was avoided when he was about to fly.

Fang Chi Xia sighed and stood up and blocked again between the two.

"Enough! Don't make trouble!" The body turned to Luo Yibei, Fang Chi Xia opened his arms, the body moved to the front of him, pushing him to go outside the room.

Her body is blocking his, cold and cold is not easy to start, Luo Yibei is not convenient.

She was hard to launch the hotel and got on the bus. He sneaked his face on the car first. When Fang Chi Xia sat in the passenger seat, the sports car rushed out and left the hotel after returning to the hotel.

Fang Chixia followed him behind him. When he entered the house, he quietly remembered what happened last night.

She drank too much last night and seemed to see Luo Yibei coming.

However, the people I saw this morning were cold and cold.

Obviously she admits the wrong person.

Fang Chi Xia opened his own clothes and looked at him quietly.

There is no imprint on the body, even the lips are not red and not swollen, and the body has no discomfort.

She feels that cold and cold should not make a dangerous situation.

Last night she was very sure that nothing happened, so I saw Luo Yibei believe it or not.

Lifting her face, she is quietly watching his reaction in front of him.

This morning, Luo Yibei seems to be completely irritated. When entering the house, his face is so cold that he can freeze people.

"I and cold praying cold and clear white!" Fang Chixia raised his face, and when he was about to enter the house, she explained for herself.

Luo Yibei did not know that she had heard her, but she still did not return to her own.

"Luo Yibei, you stand!" Fang Chi Xia yelled at him, his voice was very anxious.

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