"I don't want to drink without appetite." Opposite the table, Fasino stared at her and reminded.

"Nothing, just a cup!" Fang Chixia took a napkin and wiped the corner of his mouth, leaving the glass on the side.

“Miss, does the taste feel good?” The housekeeper glanced at the empty glass and filled her with a cup.

"Very good, uncle, just a little bit stronger." Fang Chi Xia told the truth.

"This is made by Chris Castle's own winery. Would you like to try another bit?" The butler continued to persuade.

The butler of Chris Castle is an old man, a prestigious elder, who grew up watching Fasino, equivalent to half a family of Fasino.

An old man who was very kind and peaceful, he did his best. After Fang Chixia came here, he was taken care of many times and he was not impressed.

He said so, Fang Chixia didn't really want to drink, but he still managed to drink a cup.

Fasno sat next to her, watching her movements quietly, thinking for a moment, her eyes turned to the butler next to her.

Why is there a feeling that the housekeeper is deliberately pondering the summer?

Dinner is still going on.

Fang Chi Xia feared that the butler would continue, and the food in the back would be used very quickly. After a few settlements, he went upstairs.

When I went upstairs, it was nine o'clock.

Her amount of alcohol is normal. The concentration of wine tonight is very high. She also drank two cups and went up the stairs. Her footsteps were somewhat illusory.

"Miss, I will send you up!" The butler followed her up. When she went up the stairs, she looked at her gait that was not stable. She pulled her arm and held her and led her to the room.

Fang Chi Xia only felt that his head was very dizzy and his footsteps were somewhat unstable.

When I came to my door, I wanted to open the door and walk in. When I raised my arm, I was stopped by the butler. "Miss, your room is next door!"

Fang Chixia’s eyes were spent at this time. He said so, Fang Chixia only made himself go wrong, let him lead and went to the room next door.

The butler took her to the corridor, walked through a room, and finally stayed at the door of a masculine room.

The door opened and led her into it. Fang Chi Xia couldn’t hold it anymore. After entering the house, she groped and went to bed and lay up.

She was not drunk, but her head was dizzy, very bloated, and it felt very uncomfortable. She just wanted to fall asleep.

"Miss have a good rest, I will go out first!" The butler pulled the door of the room for her and turned to go downstairs.

Faisno flipped through the documents downstairs and saw him coming down. He asked a little, "Is she alright?"

"For the time being, I have to rest first." The housekeeper lowered his head. "If the young master wants to take a rest, the room is sorted out."

"Okay, let's go back!" Fesno took the file in his hand and stood up and went straight to the room upstairs.

The butler did not walk away, standing in the same place, his eyes moving quietly following his figure.

Fasino crossed the long spiral staircase and went upstairs and entered his room directly.

The butler listened to the sound of the door of his room being covered, and the stone in his heart fell a little.

The room was dark.

In the air, there is still a faint scent from the garden, and a clear agave fragrance.

Fasino stood at the door of the room and smelled the scent of snorting. His eyes sank and he slammed the lights of the room.

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