The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1897: Don't sleep when you wake up

On the big bed in the room, Fang Chi Xia was lying on the bed in the summer. After drinking the face, the face was red and blushing, and the eyes were gently rubbed, and the breathing was clear and shallow.

There were a lot of petals on the bed, and the whole bed was covered. The roses of various colors fell on one bed, and the whole bed was set like a rose sea.

Fang Chi Xia lying in the middle of the bed, quietly sleeping like an angel falling in the jungle.

The room was deliberately laid out, not the idea of ​​Fesno.

Combined with the bottle of agave deliberately arranged by the butler tonight, it is not difficult to guess his purpose.

Fasino stared at Fang Chi Xia on the bed for a while, breathing stagnation, but did not let his eyes stay on her for too long.

The line of sight was difficult to move away. He took the door with a sullen face and turned to go downstairs. The figure of the housekeeper suddenly blocked him.

"Young master, where is this going?"

"Uncle, the more you lift!" Faisno raised his face and greeted him in silence.

The housekeeper lowered his head and did not defend himself. "The young master did not make a mistake."

"Reason?" Fasno looked a little colder.

The butler looked up at him and his head lowered down. "The young master is already twenty, and it is time to consider the descendants of the Chris family!"

"So I came up with this trick?"

"The marriage proposed by the old master earlier, the young master refused to cooperate. Now the outside world regards Miss Fang as the hostess of Chris Castle. Shouldn't the young master and Miss Fang do these things?"

The housekeeper said it was natural, and when he spoke, his face slowly lifted.

Looking at the opposite of Fasino, he did not feel that his behavior was wrong.

Fissino's eyes are squatting, and the forehead blue veins are floating.

"The young master is still going to rest early!" The butler pushed the door open and motioned him to enter.

"When is the courage to dare to intervene in my business?" Fasino's eyes swept to his face, and the tone was a bit more cold and cold.

"The interests of the Chris family, in the small eyes, above all else!" The housekeeper looked down and respected, but did not bow.

After a pause, I added another sentence. "Miss Fang seems to have a poor amount of alcohol and may need someone to take care of it later."

Fissino's eyes swept him coldly and turned and went straight into the room.

The housekeeper sent his figure and walked in, and the backhand closed the door.

Fang Chi Xia is still sleeping in the room.

She didn't actually fall asleep, she just had a headache and was about to explode.

A nerve in the head is a pain in the heart.

Her consciousness was completely awake, without any drunkenness, but she did not open her eyes.

She heard the sound of Fasino walking around the room, as if she was walking towards the bed.

Fang Chi Xia's nervous nerves tightened, but still did not blink.

She wondered how Fesno would decide in this situation and wondered if his value was not trustworthy.

Fesno's footsteps were getting closer and closer, and the bed was sunken, and he seemed to sit down.

The light in the room was very dark, and Fang Chi Xia remained in the same position lying flat, his eyes kept vibrating constantly, but the light was too dark to be noticeable.

In the room, a room was silent.

Fasino didn't speak, and there was no sound of any action, so Fang Chi Xia did not know what he was doing.

Until after a while, his voice suddenly fainted, "Wake up?"

Very calm tone, like seeing her already.

Fang Chi Xia, "..."

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