Xiao Yi didn't know if he really didn't understand the meaning of the word or deliberately. The volume was loud enough for everyone on the scene to hear clearly.

A group of people turned their heads and their eyes fell on the faces of Fang Chi Xia and Luo Yibei.

Fang Chi Xia was watched by so many people, and it was awkward for a while.

Luo Yibei never looked at the eyes of others. His eyes glanced in her direction and looked at her. She looked like she had some embarrassed face, and her lips looked good and raised.

Get up early in the morning, the mood is inexplicable.

Standing up and licking the folds on his clothes, he walked toward the two. "If you are awake, then you should go!"

"Go back?" Fang Chi Xia is not sure.

"Not willing?" Luo Yibei picked a brow.

Fang Chixia wanted to go back from the first moment he came here, let alone now.

It is rare that he is willing to take the initiative, she will not miss the opportunity.

"Of course not!" Holding Xiao Yi in front, she let the small milk bag have a good example to say goodbye to Xixi and Qing Muchen, first Luo Yibei went to the gate of the castle.

This way, she let Luo Yi north eye pumped.

Is this anxious to leave this place or eager to leave him?

The airport is a long way from the castle of Qing Muchen. On the way, Luo Yibei is responsible for driving. Fang Chi Xia and Xiao Yi mother and son are sitting behind each other. Xiao Yi has been arrogant and does not know what to talk to her.

Returning to R is the afternoon of the same day.

After Luo Yibei arrived, he used his lunch and walked directly to Fang Chi Xia in the direction of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

"What are you doing?" Fang Chixia passively followed him and did not understand his purpose.

"Go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to help you divorce!" Luo Yi looked at her on the north side, and the answer was taken for granted.

Fang Chixia’s facial expression was stiff after the words “civil affairs bureau” and his face was a bit white.

Her reaction was very strong, and her face was red and moist for a second. The next second was white with paper. The hand that he was holding, the temperature cooled almost instantly.

She was shocked by his words. For so many tens of seconds, the expression on her face was always stupid, and it seemed to be a panic.

Luo Yibei looked at her quietly, and the scorpion stunned.

What is she afraid of?

Fesno is not there, even if you want to divorce, at the very least you have to ensure that both parties are present.

What is she so scared?

Luo Yibei sneaked for a while, watching her eyes sink.

"Don't want to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau?" Raised his eyebrows, he tried to ask.

Fang Chi Xia probably realized that he had overreacted, and opened his face, calming down his look. She faintly returned to him. "The only thing that matters is that the marriage divorce is the most important thing. Is Mr. Luo too wide?"

Luo Yibei did not pay attention to her words, still staring at her.

Fang Chi Xia has a lot of stability, and he has not seen it in recent years.

Fesno is not there, even if he takes her, the possibility of a successful divorce is not great.

Fang Chi Xia is not unaware of this common sense.

Now that she knows, her panic will certainly not be due to the words "help her divorce" in his mouth.

Not the second half, it can only be the first half.

What can the Civil Affairs Bureau not go to?

Have a secret?

Luo Yibei stared at her for a while, and the exploration in her eyes became more and more concentrated.

"Is it supported by Fasino?" He asked very seriously.

This is not the first time he has asked her, he has confirmed with her many times before.

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