The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1964: She is not married (1)

"Yes!" Fang Chixia's answer was very decisive, and he did not even hesitate.

Luo Yibei listened to her same reply, and it hurts a lot. Now it is calm.

This time, his face did not change for her words.

"I know." No more questions, he stopped the topic.

Even did not continue to take her to the Civil Affairs Bureau, he went to the parking place instead.

Fang Chi Xia's eye corners squinted in his direction and sighed.

She thought that this was the case, and led Xiaoyi to follow Luo Yibei. When she was sitting in the back seat of the car, she stared at the outside and looked at how to open her mouth and said that she could not continue to go back with him. Hotel thing.

"Xiao Yi..." Fang Chi Xia thought for a while, opened his mouth, was about to say something, but he had not spoken, but was blocked by a small milk bag. "Mummy, let's go to the KFC family package tonight. good or not?"

He seems to be looking forward to mentioning fried chickens and his eyes are bright.

Fang Chi Xia was particularly unbearable when he was staring at his eyes.

Xiao Yi’s request, as long as it is not in principle, she basically did not refuse.

"Baby, can't KFC!" Didn't refuse to ask him to dine together, she suggested, "How about changing the buffet?"

The purpose of the small milk bag is mainly to have a family of three people use the meal together, as long as Fang Chi Xia and the father and son together, for him, in fact, what fried chicken, cola and the like, does not matter.

"Okay, then self-service cooking." The eyebrows smiled and the little milk bag began to over-head and led Luo Yibei to drive. "North-North, turn left, we went to the last trip, the taste is very good!"

"Oh, no, not that, wrong, wrong! Turn right, turn!"

"Go back, turn around!"

He is still at an age where he may be sold, but his memory is amazing.

He walked the road, he almost all recognized, and even pointed to Luo Yibei.

Luo Yibei did not know which restaurant he was referring to, and he did not report a specific name.

He was directed by him for a while and opened to the side. After a while, he threw it a few times. Luo Yibei was a bit violent.

Over the side, he glanced at the small milk bag behind him, "determining the specific direction!"

"Definite!" The little milk bag smiled at him.

The expression on my face is very innocent.

The car turned a few turns on the road and finally drove into a seaside restaurant.

The hobby of a small milk bag, like the seaside restaurant, the father and son like the same.

Xiao Yi is an elegant snack food, can eat a lot, and the special gentleman who is especially active when eating.

For a dinner, he was eaten for five hours.

When the family of three went out, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

When he came out, he was probably a little sleepy and kept holding Fang Chixia.

He is actually not a sticky child. Although he was eager to find his biological parents, he did not show that many people can't leave his parents.

However, this evening, he is particularly sticky to the pool summer.

As if she knew that she would return from Sicily, she might leave again.

The small arm squats on the neck of Fang Chi Xia, and the head rests on her shoulder. The body of Fang Chi Xia and the piece he is attached to is exactly like something baked, warm.

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