There are a lot of people brought by Mrs. Chris, and I didn’t see Fang Chi, but I saw Luo Yibei fall.

The Chris family's bodyguards are all equipped with guns, and the bullets are raining. Fang Chixia fears that his most worrying thing happens.

Mrs. Chris’s old lady did not seem to have a real life. After hearing the voice of Luo Yibei, she also screamed and looked at it.

The gunshots of the bodyguards continued, and people were less than before, lying on the ground, and Luo Yibei disposed of it.

In the uninjured part, the gun in hand is still going on.

Fang Chi Xia ran in the rain of bullets, ran all the way to Luo Yibei, kneeling in front of him, wanting to check his situation, however, in these few seconds, he suddenly stood up.

The gun in his hand was raised. Then, under the condition that everyone around did not react, the gun in his hand was pulled, and the raindrops of the bullets swept through the scene. Fang Chixia only heard the gunshots of the cockroaches. Constantly, when I returned to God, the bodyguards of Chris Castle behind me had fallen to the ground.

Fang Chixia was shocked to see this scene, slowly raised his face and looked at Mrs. Chris.

"Madam, you lost!" It was Luo Yibei who said something for her.

Mrs. Chris’s old lady seemed to be shocked. She looked at a large group of people who had fallen to the ground and felt like she hadn’t slowed down from the scene.

"Mrs. can you count?" In the ear, Luo Yibei’s voice rang again.

"Give me up, continue!" Mrs. Chris seems to be very angry, so a large group of people actually lost to a Luo Yibei.

A group of people in the injured area sighed, a large group of bodyguards are ready to raise the gun again, not far away, a luxury black sports car suddenly opened in the direction of a group of people.

Came to a large group of people, suddenly braked in front of the crowd, the door pushed open, and Fasino walked out from inside.

Suddenly seeing her appearing here, Fang Chixia was slightly wrong, staring at him for a while and never looking back, "Snow??"

Fasino looked at her, her eyes slanted to her, staring at her for a few seconds, and turned to come to Mrs. Chris.

"Grandma, marrying Chichi is not her idea. It is me who dominates this paradox from beginning to end. She has nothing to do with her. Grandma doesn't need to be embarrassed about her. She didn't use her Chris from start to finish. The family is the slightest!"

His words and phrases are very slow, and the tone is calm like the sea after the wind has passed.

He is talking to Fang Chi Xia, and he blames himself for his responsibility.

He is still like that, no matter what happens, she won't let her take it.

Fang Chixia was shocked to see him, his eyes suddenly wet.

"The Chris family hasn't reached the point of getting married yet, Grandma doesn't want to continue to make people jokes!" Fasno's face was calm from beginning to end, and the elegant chin gently carried a slight arc, as if When the two met for the first time, they were so proud, cold and honorable.

Even the eyes are carrying a trace of indescribable value.

After a word, I didn’t stay on the face of anyone on the scene. As soon as I turned around, he drove in a wind.

Even Fang Chi Xia did not take a look.

Fang Chixia's line of sight followed his figure and looked at him in a disappointing direction. He hadn't returned to God for a long time.

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