"People are gone!" Next to, Luo Yibei’s voice suddenly came.

It seems that it also has a touch of acid.

Fang Chi Xia returned to him and gave him a look and helped him up.

"Let's go!" He held him and wanted to go to the car. Behind him, Mrs. Chris's old voice was annoyed and suddenly sounded.

"Insane! What is this being done?"

Fang Chi Xia has already taken a step in the footsteps, and his eyes are on her eyes, and her voice is corrected. "That is because Sno is a good person!"

In a word, Mrs. Chris is even more angry.

"What do you mean, this lady is not evil?"

"I didn't use this word. My wife is a good grandmother who loves her grandson." Fang Chixia took sight of her from her body, stopped the passing car next to her, and helped Luo Yibei get on the bus, and she bent over and went up. .

The taxi slowly left after that.

The night tonight is exceptionally beautiful, the night sky is clear and cloudless, and the stars can even see the stars.

Arriving at the hotel, Fang Chixia's hand held Luo Yibei, up the road, and neither of them spoke.

Luo Yibei’s arm was injured. On the way back to the house, he walked and his arm was bleeding.

He didn't feel pain, and he walked around and stared at Fang Chi Xia.

It hurts like this, his look seems to be very pleasant, and the lips are even slightly hooked.

Going upstairs, when I returned to the room, the small milk bag was accompanied by two bodyguards, sitting on the short short legs and looking right, waiting for the two to come back.

"Mummy!" I saw Fang Chi Xia, and she called her with a childish voice. He rushed over and went to Fang Chi Xia Lili, and the body hung directly on her body.

"Mummy, you are not with Uncle Fei!" He seems very happy. He has been holding Fang Chi Xia in the evening, and his smile on his face is bright.

He couldn’t see Luo Yibei’s injury, and he only had Fang Chi Xia in his eyes.

Fang Chixia picked him up and took him to the sofa. He fell down on the sofa with him and held his tender face and kissed him.

"Hey, go to sleep for a nap."

"Okay." The small milk bag was very obedient this time. The arm hung her neck and softly lowered her head.

Fang Chixia hugged him to the bed, sat down at the bed, and stayed with him until he went to sleep and turned to Luo Yibei.

In the room, she rummaged through the cabinet and found the medicine box. She came to him and lowered her head to help him deal with the wound.

Her face was a little low, her eyes were focused, and she didn't talk to him.

Luo Yibei stared at her for a while, and regardless of the wound on her body, she suddenly hugged her up.

His movements are very hard, and he will not pull the wound to his arm.

The square gauze that Fang Chi Xia Gang had bandaged was almost red immediately.

Fang Chixia was slightly annoyed with his behavior, and he hit him a few times with his fist. "Luo Yibei, let your hands go!"

"Don't let go!" Luo Yibei vomited to her two words, not only did not put it, but she held her tighter.

He seems to be close to her so close to a century, the strength of the arm is very tight, leaning over and groping her lips to kiss.

Slightly licking on her lips, shallow, with her lips/petals, like a delicious wine.

Strength, either light or heavy.

"Chi Xia, I am very happy today!" His voice, gentle and anxious, even watching her eyes, with a low smile.

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