The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1996: I don't move, you come to move (1)

Fang Chixia’s body was slightly stiff in his arms, and he looked up and stared at him.

Looking at the smile in his eyes that seemed to melt people, her heart seemed to be gently swayed by something.

"The injury was first dealt with." The head was drilled out of his arms and did not stand up. In the position of the two, she continued to bandage him.

Her movements are very detailed, the curves of the face are softly pulled by the sun, warm and warm, like the light of the early summer afternoon, looking at the indescribable pleasure.

The room was very quiet, only the small milk bag was very light and light breathing when sleeping.

Luo Yibei stared at Fang Chi Xia in a quiet voice, his eyes sticking to her, as if he did not see enough.

It’s like finding a child who likes a toy most, holding a toy, how to look at it.

His eyes were still deep, Fang Chi Xia was seen by his face, and his head was lifted up.

"Louis North, what are you doing?"

"Appreciate your own woman, break the law?" Luo Yi north face expressionless her.

Fang Chi Xia was speechless, and gave him a look at him. He ignored him.

Helped him to handle all the wounds, and he fixed the hand on the gauze's own bow. She lost her heart and suddenly asked, "Why should I agree with the old lady today?"

"Adventure, try to lose the most, lose, but can regain something more important than life, why not agree?" Luo Yi North lip gently involved a slap in the arc, looking at her gaze Deep and deep.

More important than life...

The heart of Fang Chi Xia was gently hit by something, watching his eyes stagnate.

Luo Yibei did not explain too much about his behavior today. She held her on the sofa and leaned back against her, comfortably and comfortably closing her eyes.

"Tired, take a break!"

His voice, with a trace of hoarseness, like a person who had not slept for a few nights.

Fang Chi Xia was heavily pressed by him. He wanted to push him away, but he could listen to his voice and hold back the impulse.

Let him just lean on it, and her raised hand fell down again.

Luo Yibei seems to be really sleepy, relying on her, not even paying attention to sleep and uncomfortable, even fell asleep in a while.

Fang Chi Xia over the side, his line of sight fell on his face, staring at his sleeping, watching him.

Luo Yibei's chin did not know when there was a little shallow scum. After two years of tossing for so long, he looked much maturer and his face was full of tiredness.

Very shallow and shallow, it was a bit decadent, but it was so sexy.

Fang Chixia's hand touched his face, his fingertips slipped gently from his chin, afraid of quarreling with him, her strength was very light.

Come back and forth in his scum, and she suddenly liked the touch.

Generally, men have scum, but if this happens to a good-looking man, it is **** and mature!

The man who looks good looks good, even if it is covered with burlap, the scum is full of faces.

Luo Yibei is such a man.

Fang Chixia stayed with him for a long time on the sofa. Luo Yibei seems to have some defenses. She has already left after waking up. Even when she is asleep, she still holds her tightly.

I slept deeply, and when I woke up, it was already seven o'clock in the evening.

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