The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2007: This child, deja vu (3)

When Prince Heyman was abroad, there were many people. When he was living in the palace, he had seen him, but the number was not many.

A few times, he did not look at Xiaoyi.

An adopted child does not belong to the royal palace. It has nothing to do with the country and is not worthy of his attention.

Suddenly, such a collision, the seat of Heyman’s knee was hit by his soft little body, colliding with the soft and incredible touch, let him slightly groan, coveted, and the line of sight unconsciously looked in the direction of the small milk bag. The past.

The small milk bag is still sitting on the ground. He seems to have been hit hard. He has been licking his fart/share.

His voice is a bit exaggerated. "哎哟" and "哎哟", it is still a bit bleak.

If the two are not in the palace now, Prince Heyman will soon think of him as a child who touches porcelain.

"Are you alright?" A few steps toward him, Prince Heyman extended a hand to him.

The little milk bag sat on the ground, just focusing on the dust on his body and ignoring him.

Prince Hayman was probably ignored for the first time. He was still such a small child and his face was slightly stiff.

When the little milk bag didn't see him, he climbed up from the ground, patted the folds on his body, and took a step to the direction of Fang Chi Xia. "Mummy, I will take you to see my sister!"

When he talked to Fang Chixia, the corners of his lips were slightly tilted, his eyes were also curved, and he smiled, especially sweet and warm.

Prince Heyman stood in the distance and stared at his face quietly and looked at it. He felt very familiar with how to look.

He always felt like he had seen Xiaoyi in the same place, just as he saw Fangchi in the summer.

There is always a feeling of deja vu, but if you think about it, you can't think of it.

Prince Hayman stood staring at the mother and son for a long time, and his brow wrinkled and wrinkled.

Xi Yaheng came to this side from afar, came to him, and looked in his direction to the direction of Fang Chi Xia and his son. "Dad, what are you looking at?"

Prince Hayman returned to God and faintly opened his mind. "Nothing, just just hit a little boy."

I took a glass of wine from the waiter and handed it to him. He took a cup and sipped his mouth. He thought of something. His gaze was lifted. "Yes, Dad asked you to find someone. These years are a bit Didn't the news?"

"I haven't got it yet, but it's a matter of time to find someone. Dad doesn't have to worry." Xi Yaheng faintly sighed and sipped the wine from the cup and turned to other places on the banquet.

His footsteps were very slow, he walked a few steps and turned his head. His eyes couldn’t help but glance at the direction of Fang Chixia.

Fang Chi Xia took Xiao Yi in the direction of the inner courtyard of the palace. The lights were laid down from the top of the head. Xi Yaheng could only see some of her faces.

Very clear side face, with a temperament on the body, clearly the five senses look like the warmth of the girl next door, but the gesture is full of a touch of elegance and elegance.

This kind of elegance is generally easier to see in the golden spoons and the thousands of favorite ladies.

However, Fang Chi Xia’s life experience is not the case.

Xi Yaheng stared at her for a long time, and she didn’t notice that she had finished drinking a whole cup of wine in her hand.

Fang Chi Xia did not seem to notice him here, and he disappeared into his vision after holding the small milk bag through the lobby.

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