Xi Yaheng's gaze chased her figure and moved until she and the small milk bag were completely submerged in the night before they took their eyes back.

The cup in his hand rested on the tray of the waiter passing by, and he stepped forward to the group of friends.

I chatted with the people I met, and I couldn’t help but look at the direction of Fang Chi Xia.

This is not the first time he saw Fang Chi Xia. As early as when he went to C City, the two met.

Like the first time he met, he still felt that Fang Chi Xia was familiar.

Xi Yaheng appeared here tonight, but he didn't have much interest, but when he saw Fang Chi Xia, all his interest was spurred up.

An orphan who gives him a faint familiarity and comes with an elegant temperament!


Fang Chixia left the banquet hall with a small milk bag and then turned to the back of the palace.

The baby is playing in the little princess who is ridiculous, the little girl is only a few months old, and the whole body is soft and soft, like a small meatball. Whoever sees it will only lick it, biting the little finger and laughing at the person. Looks like, it is quite amazing.

After Xiao Yi was planted in the room, he accompanied the little girl in it and did not come out for a few hours.

Fang Chixia walked out of the room, turned around in the palace, and then returned to the banquet hall.

When arriving at the scene, Prince Heyman and An Qi sat together and chatted with her.

"Can you tell me a few years?"

"Hyman, I will not be able to face these things in the future. After so many years, I haven't heard any news. My brother and I have already given up." An Qi's face was a little sad, and the mood seemed to be It’s a lot low. “The world is so big. It’s easy to find someone. In fact, I didn’t get any news, and it’s not a good thing. My brother and I are very simple to pursue. It’s not that she is coming back, as long as she is safe and peaceful! ”

"It’s true that Xunzi’s words are true. It’s not important for people to come back. As long as they are safe and secure, they still live in this world.” Haiman echoed.

The two then talked a little more.

The relationship between Angel and Heyman is actually not good. This is what Fang Chixia noticed when he first met Heyman.

However, An Qi’s character is that the mood is not color, and whoever chats can be elegant and smiling.

So sitting with Hayman, people can't see the gap between the two.

Fang Chi Xia just walked out from the inner hall. When he came out, he heard such a dialogue. A few steps went to Luo Yibei, who was not far away and talked with Ruan Chengxi. She asked casually, "Who is the lady looking for?"

Luo Yi stared at her on the north side and glanced at her lips. She replied with a sigh of relief. "For those who have nothing to do with you, Mrs. Locke manages herself and her son."

Fang Chi Xia white gave him a look, "Love does not say."

Turning around, ready to go to An Qi, the voice of Yan Chengxi was faintly passed down, "My sister."

The very close words are spoken from his mouth, warm, like the warmth of the spring.

At the foot of Fang Chi Xia’s foot, he took it and looked at him sideways.

"Maybe it is an orphan like you." Yan Chengxi stared at her and looked at it again.

"She is more fortunate than me, there is such a good brother, and such a sound family, His Royal Highness will find her!" Fang Chixia greeted him and turned around and strolled around the scene.

Xi Yaheng was also on the scene, Fang Chi Xia Yi appeared, his sight was unconsciously absorbed by her.

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