Tong Yanyue wants to be more annoyed, her temper is also awkward, pushing his arm on the door and pushing it out, the cat wants to go down the car.

However, one leg just got out of the car, but was slammed and pulled back to the arm.

His strength is not small, it is still very rude.

Pulling the hand of the child's face, blocking her movements, and pushing again, Tong Yan's body fell to the seat.

Tong Yan’s face that was not good-looking was a stiff one.

Keeping the same position, she made several breaths deeply, got up from her seat, changed direction, tried to get off again, but was once again stunned back.

This time, he pulled more.

The fingertips directly lick the back collar of the children's clothes.

Tong Yan itself is not heavy, he was so stunned by his clothes, like an eagle and a chicken, and he was dragged back by the flutter.

So tossed twice, Tong Yan’s temper suddenly came up.

She was a little angry with his behavior and raised her face. She was a little loud to him. "Shi Yanyang, what do you want? There is something to say, there is a fart to let go! Nothing to say, you roll me off! Roll it right away!"

She was very angry and her speech was very vulgar.

Pointing at him, he even ordered him to go off the court.

Shi Yanyang’s brow picked up after her words, as if she had some accidents with her words, “I’m going down?”

Four words, the sound was dragged a bit long by him.

It seems like some doubt that I have not heard it wrong.

"Roll! You will roll me right away!" Tong Yan's hands were forked on his waist, facing his shrewd woman.

Shi Yanyang’s forehead’s nerves twitched two times after her words. The hand on the door of the car was retracted, and the arms were held on both sides of her body. His face tilted toward her direction. “Know yourself. What are you talking about?"

Tong Yan was cold and his body leaned back.

Her face was stinking, her anger was full of venting, and she ignored her lips.

Shi Yanyang crossed her and groped for the driver's license next to her, turned the side of her name to her, shook it in front of her, and threw it aside.

This car is his, the name on the driver's license, naturally also his!

Let him roll?

Tong Yanchun is a fire. Although she knows her own words, she has not explained anything.

"Right," Shi Yanyang's body did not withdraw from her. She was facing her face, letting her face face her face, staring up and down at her for a moment, and he spit out a blank expression. "Girls, it’s really hard to hear!"

In a word, like a kindergarten child, even pinching her bulging cheeks, "so wording, not at all cute!"

"Roll!" Tong Yan glanced at him fiercely, and opened his hand to the side.

"Miss Tong, need me to remind you who is in your car now?" Shi Yanyang sat down in the driver's seat, did not drive immediately, but turned his eyes to her cool.

"I am going!" Tong Yan didn't want to argue with him. He pushed the door and wanted to continue.

However, the hand just touched the doorknob, but was slammed back.

Tong Yan's brow screwed and lifted his elbow to attack his abdomen. However, Shi Yanyang flashed sideways and subtly resolved.

Tong Yan is not reconciled and wants to open him with his feet.

The leg has not yet lifted up, but Shi Yangyang first made a man, and the body smashed her.

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