He was very high, and restrained her, it was easy.

"Shi Yang, you let me go!" Tong Yan slammed his fist and hit him.

Shi Yanyang ignored her words, the body still swears on her, her wrists imprisoned her hand, pressed against her side, her face close to her.

The deep ink gaze glared at her, and his nose was almost reaching her.

“Why didn’t you push Fu Xi away?”

A cool tone, a gesture of guilty.

Tong Yan’s face sank, his eyes turned to him, and his face was cold. “Excuse me, is this related to Shi Shaoye?”

"It doesn't matter to me, and who has something to do with it?" Shi Yanyang stopped her, and his face was as cold as the wind that had been scratched. However, the slightly raised lips and corners were sketched out. Evil.

The most hateful thing about Tong Yan is that he is overbearing in the East, but he is not clear about her character.

"Don't raise yourself too much! Non-intimate, my business, you don't need to intervene!" Cold face, she is ruthless.

Shi Yanyang's brow screwed.

"I have lived together, I have been together, I have hugged, I have kissed, and even slept so many times together." His tone suddenly turned into irony. "I don't care if I intervene, who will intervene?"

Tong Yan’s face was stiff after his words, and his face slowly lifted.

"Shi Shaoye, is this a joke? What ages are you now? Have you been responsible for life after sleeping together?" The lips are stunned, and her words are ironic. "Shi Shaoye usually has an aesthetic ability, tastes so avant-garde, what? Is this still stuck in the feudal society?"

She said an understatement, as if sleeping together didn't make any sense.

The expression on Shi Yanyang’s face was like a bucket of ice, and the cockroach solidified.

"What are you talking about?" The hand that clasped her wrist was tight, and his shackles reflected a danger.

Tong Yan proudly lifted up the beautiful chin, gazing at his eyes without fear, repeating the word, "I said that that night does not mean any meaning!"

Shi Yanyang seems to have been sucked up by the veins, and the expression on his face is dull.

Tong Yan didn't want to see his face, pushed him away, and the cat wanted to get out of him under his waist.

However, the head just came out of his arm, and the back collar suddenly fell on him again.

His strength is very great. When Tong Yan hasn't responded, he only feels that his neck is suffocated by the collar. The body is lightly driven and pulled out. When he returns to God, his body has been suppressed again. Under the body.

He put her to death very much, not giving her a half-stretched gap.

Her body was pressed against her, her hands holding her wrists, holding her hands up above her head, his lips, and kissing her lips in a wicked manner.

Biting her lip/petal, fiercely tearing, biting the **** smell in the lips of both of them, his face slowly rising, he warned words and words, "All the things that branded me are me. You, no exception!"

The face of Tong Yan was dark after his words.


Oh, she is with him, it is equivalent to his things.

Shi Yanyang did not notice her slight expression change, leaned over, and the lips held her again.

"Yan Yan, you are destined to be mine! You are mine!"

His voice, like a demon, echoed in her ear over and over again, even the wind could not blow away...

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