The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2217: King's showdown (5)

Fang Chixia raised her face and looked at the car in front of her. She saw the license plate number. Her eyes lit up and she fell off her head. She rushed into the side of the road and changed the road. She drove the car. Going all the way to the desert.

The cold and cold car still docked in the desert, not in the explosion area, and opened to the road a few hundred meters away after the accident.

Sitting in the car, his eyes fell on the car in front of Luo Yibei, and he picked up the phone with no expression.

I don't know what to say to the other person on the other side of the phone. The phone just hangs, and on several small roads on the side of the body, several cars suddenly open out of the air and chase up to the car where Luo Yibei is in the desert.

Fang Chi Xia’s car is still driving here. Her speed is very fast, and the car skills are better than a large group of professionally trained people.

Far away from a large group of vehicles behind, driving a car to the front of Luo Yibei car, she eagerly yelled at the car opposite him, "Loe North!"

Luo Yibei obviously did not expect that she would appear in this place, watching the speed of the car quickly catch up with him, he was angry in his chest, "Who made you come here? Fang Chi Xia, are you crazy? Slow down !"

Fang Chi Xia is unable to hear his angry low-pitched, leaning the car toward his direction, Luo Yibei to open the roof shed, her hand stretched in his direction, Luo Yibei's rut ​​docked, one She took her over the opposite car.

"Luo Yibei, I am worried about you! Just coming over this road, I am worried about your accident! There is an ambush here, you should not come!"

Fang Chi’s summer arms tied him, his thin arms held him tightly, his fists slammed his shoulders again and again, her emotions seemed to be a little excited, and she cried out. “They deliberately set up. The trap is waiting for you to jump! It is also deliberate to lead you to the desert. There is no raid in the desert. There is no place to hide. They are deliberate. Do you know?"

Luo Yibei couldn't stand the voice of her talking, and he made his heart messy.

Looking back at her, he patted her shoulder and comforted. "It doesn't matter, the problem between men, the account, the morning and evening have to be solved!"

He is so fearless in his work, no matter whether the other party is black or white, playing with yin or clear, or how many people, provoking, he accepts!

Fang Chixia knows his character. Now, when he is discussing these problems with him, he looks at the car after catching his eyes. She fastens her seat belt and reminds her, "I want to find a way to open the group!"

Luo Yibei retracted his gaze, aimed at the road ahead, and grasped the steering wheel and suddenly accelerated.

Cold and cold standing in front of his car, his eyes fell on the car in the desert in Luoyi North and Fangchixia, the temperature of the eyes, cold to the freezing point.

"How did she come?"

“The people at the hotel called and said that Miss Fang had threatened her life, and our people had to bring her over.”

"Does she know everything?"

"should be."

Cold and cold, the narrow and long, the tightness, the temperature of the eyes, seems to be colder.

In the desert, the car in Luoyibei is still driving forward.

The car chasing after the rear, I don’t know if it’s a technical problem for the driver or something else. He’s never been too close to him, but he consciously double-sidedly hit him in a certain direction.

The desert where several people are located is very wide. There are rugged sand dunes everywhere, piles of piles, like piles of high walls, which are strictly suppressed.

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