The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2218: Hell is black again, I am with you (1)

Luo Yibei's car is still driving forward. Considering the relationship between Fang Chi Xia and his body, his speed is not as fast as he was.

Fang Chi Xia sat in the car, his eyes fixed in the front of the car, quietly watching the movement of the group behind him through the mirror.

The wind is blowing in the desert, and the wind is not too small.

The vision in front of the two people will soon be yellow sand.

Fang Chixia stared at the back of the car for a while, watching a few cars seem to want to get close, and finally did not know what factor, suddenly lowered the speed, her eyes sank.

I looked up and stared at the pile of sand dunes outside my car for a while. Her hand pressed the wrist of Luo Yibei, "change direction, away from the dunes!"

Although she is young, her judgment is rare when there are mistakes.

Without any hesitation, Luo Yibei, according to her request, just wanted to deflect in the direction of the road. In the desert, a gust of wind suddenly swept, and the front view was blurred. I haven’t waited for Luo Yibei to react, and my ears were broken. The sound of broken quicksand suddenly came.

The dunes at both ends of the passage where the two were located were all falling.

"Not good! Crush out!" Fang Chixia closed the window, his head went to Luo Yibei's knee, just wanted to remind, the car where the two were, suddenly took off in a pile of sand dunes.

Luo Yibei's car skills, Fang Chi Xia always do not need to doubt.

She knows that he is fighting speed with the quicksand.

The face was buried in his knees, his arms glared at him, and she gave him the opportunity to survive.

Cold and cold standing outside the desert, witnessing the scene in the distance, has been faceless expression, suddenly became iron blue.

"She is inside!" His eyes fixed in the distance, and his eyes were a little red.

"Yes, yes, young master." Next to it, a bodyguard whispered and shouted at him.

"Don't you see it?" Cold and cold face was cold and terrible, and the roots of the blue veins were prominent.

"Yes, but the current situation is no longer able to stop it!" The voice of the man is getting smaller and smaller.

"What else is ahead?" Words and phrases, almost squeezed out of the throat.

"Before, ahead, according to our local familiarity with the partners here, there are three quicksand traps..." The man looked at him carefully and his voice was pressed lower.

Cold and cold body is very straight, the back is stiff, the body is very cold, standing in the desert, like an ice sculpture.


In the distance, the car where Fang Chi Xia is located is still flying again and again.

Luo Yibei's car skills are very good, avoiding a wave of dumping sand dunes, avoiding the danger of vehicles being buried, and sprinting in the desert.

Cold praying cold stared at the car he was in for a while, looked at the dune that was still falling, and suddenly he stepped forward toward his car.

"Young master, where are you going?" A bodyguard asked panic.

Cold and cold, I didn’t care. I opened the door and sat up.

"Young master, the ground is dangerous!" The man wants to remind, however, the voice just fell, the other car has already opened.

In the car ahead, the car where Luo Yibei and Fang Chi Xia are still sprinting.

Aside from piles of sand dunes, Luo Yibei also considered the possibility of colliding with sand on the ground. After breaking through the dune, he stopped the car and took the car to the summer.

However, the legs of the two have not yet taken two steps, and Fang Chi Xia suddenly stepped on the air -

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