The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2223: About that child...

She did not speak, Luo Yibei did not ask.

Two people have been together for a long time. Many words, sometimes they don’t need to be spoken from the mouth, they can feel each other.

Raised her arms and grabbed her back, and he patted her back.

"After leaving the hospital, I will send you back to China!"

"Good!" This time, Fang Chixia did not hesitate.

Even if she doesn't think about herself, she can't have a child like this one!

Just, she added a condition, "together!"

Luo Yibei came to the Middle East this time. It was originally to investigate the fact that the mastermind behind the accident had nothing to do with cold prayer.

The result has come out, he has no need to stay here.

How do you fight for two people, how to compete, return to the country, still can!

"Okay, together!" I promised her with certainty, and he let her loose.

He passed the water cup next to him and he handed it to her again.

Fang Chi Xia took the cup and gently sipped it.

Luo Yibei looked at her with a sigh of relief, and her eyebrows stretched out.

Fang Chi Xia’s face was buried in the mouth of the cup, drinking water while staring at him.

She has been away from the emergency room for several hours, but so far, Luo Yibei has not asked her about the child in her stomach.

She did not forget how many days ago, when she told him that the child was present, he smiled how happy he was.

After six years of marriage, Fang Chixia did not smile as many times on his face.

It was a very pure smile, clear, indulgent, open-minded, and did not care about his identity. The smile was as bright as the snowy mountain suddenly bursting into a blooming red lotus.

That kind of laugh, until now, Fang Chi Xia is still memorable.

Now, he is not like the father who started the female control before the child was born.

Luo Yibei is helping her to cut fruit, holding a fruit knife in one hand, holding fruit in one hand, and special movements. The peeled skin is still coherent. At first glance, it is trained.

Probably aware of the sight that fell on him, the action in his hand paused, and he looked at her sideways. "What?"

Fang Chi Xia licked his lips and deliberately said that the clouds were light and windy. "Why don't you ask my child?"

Luo Yibei’s action on his hand paused, his eyes moved down, and he fell quietly on her stomach.

He stared at her for a long time, his eyes were light, Fang Chi Xia could not see the expression in his eyes, but she could clearly feel that after the topic was opened, the whole image suddenly burst into a polar The wind, the air suddenly cooled down.

Luo Yibei held the hand of the apple and his fingertips broke into the flesh.

His face was very cold, and he couldn’t help but take a nap in the square.

Fang Chixia’s head was biased, and his eyes fell silently on his eyes.

Luo Yibei is very red, like the king of **** after being irritated, as if you are blinking, looking back, it is a killing.

This way, he saw Fang Chi Xia’s heart pounding.

She knew that this incident had violated his taboos.

Luo Yibei’s silence was a long time. He didn’t seem to want to talk to Fang Chixia about this issue.

All the emotions in the eyes converge, and the apples in the hands are thrown freely in the trash can. They want to retake one, and the hand that sticks out is stopped by Fang Chixia.

"Don't want to know?" Fang Chi Xia looked at him quietly and asked.

Luo Yi stunned.

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