Fang Chixia pulled his hand to his flat stomach and pressed his palm to stick it. She smiled at the corner of her mouth. "What did you feel?"

A month's fetus, not even fetal movement.

Fang Chi Xia’s stomach is still flat and is no different from the average person.

Luo Yibei just didn't understand what she meant.

However, the hand gently attached to her abdomen, feeling the soft and soft touch of the palm, after a while, his face suddenly lifted up, dark ink, like a starlight suddenly lit, "pool summer! ”

“What did you feel?” Fang Chixia asked with a brow.

"Our daughter is beckoning with her father!" Luo Yibei retracted his hand, the chilly face curve, like the ice and snow suddenly met the sun, suddenly softened.

His words are purely awkward.

Do not mention that the child is a man or a woman are still in the position, and, only a month, nothing has been formed, you know that beckoning?

However, Fang Chi Xia did not correct it.

Pulling his arm, she gently leaned her head on his shoulder. "I thought the child couldn't keep it. After receiving a positive reply from the doctor, I was very surprised and happy. This child is more fortunate than other children. The other children are strong and will be born safely in the future."

"Yeah." Luo Yi held her face over the north and kissed her deeply on her lips. "I will call first and let people arrange for the plane to return home."

"Good." Fang Chixia handed the phone to him.

Luo Yibei unlocked the touch screen, his fingertips moved in the address book, and a phone call back to the night.

"The plane that returned to China the next morning, help me prepare, and I will call you to let me know."

Fang Chixia stared at his belly in a stupid look.

She didn't understand Luo Yibei, she wanted her daughter so much. If she just wanted a child who looks like her, she wouldn't have a son like her.

Luo Yibei’s obsession with her daughter is deeply rooted, and Fang Chixia has been teaching for such a long time.

Staring at my stomach and looking at it, thinking about it, she was suddenly a little scared to disappoint him.

What he wants from beginning to end is only a daughter. What should I do if I have a son?

In the concept of Fang Chi Xia, the son’s ability to survive should be no more expensive than his daughter.

This time, such a serious accident, the child has been saved, she is more inclined to believe that this child will be a son.

At the thought of this, her heart stunned.

If she really guessed, the gap will make Luo Yibei disappointed?

Fang Chi Xia stared at him with a glimpse of his eyes, his eyes turned a bit, and when he finished the phone call, she talked to him as if nothing had happened. "In fact, my son is also very good, isn't it?"

Luo Yibei was watching the domestic weather and did not answer.

"Don the elderly not like their sons?" Fang Chi Xia gave him a look and came up with another sentence.

Luo Yibei still ignored it.

Fang Chi Xia has the feeling that he is talking to himself, but he does not stop.

The head of the sky is spinning, she has a chat with him and talked to him. "You look at Xiaoyi, how beautiful, how delicate, handsome, and more pampered. If you have a younger brother, you should be as beautiful as him. As delicate as a gene, like a father, when you grow up, you will be fascinated by a large woman."

"I just saw Xiao Yi at that time, only three years old, can be cute, cute and dead!"

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