"Right, our company had a designer brought the children at home a few days ago. Very beautiful little boy, very polite, very gentleman, very white, will help Dad draw a design, is it very interesting?"

Her topic is very open, what company, who has a son, who is next door neighbor who gave birth to a son, the newborn child is soft, how cute, more people hurt.

Fang Chi Xia is actually a compulsory way to instill Luo Yibei in fact that his son is also very good.

However, after saying a lot, it seems that Luo Yibei did not listen to it, and did not return to her in one sentence.

Fang Chi Xia talked to himself for a long time, and later said that he was somewhat powerless.

Luo Yibei helped her to pour a cup of water again. The cup was handed to her, and her voice was long. "That is so much, thirsty and thirsty?"

Fang Chi Xia Yu mouth, sullen took over the cup.

"I didn't sleep very much last night, I have a good rest, I am next to you." Luo Yibei threw his mobile phone to the side, helped her to lick the horn, and moved to sit on the bed. a chair.

Fang Chixia did not sleep very much all night last night. At this time, his head was as heavy as a pound.

Looking at him with a glance, she smiled and quietly closed her eyes.

Just, didn't sleep for a few seconds, double open, and then made an action that made Luo Yibei unexpected.

Pulling his hand pressed against the pillow, his face on the back of his hand, she closed her eyes again.

Luo Yibei quietly looked at her like this, her lips were lightly hooked.

Both of them didn't have a good night's rest. Fang Chixia slept for a long time. Luo Yibei sat on the bed to accompany her. She slept with her for a few hours, and the nurse woke up when she checked the room.

Several doctors and nurses came in and only did a routine check for the pool.

When I left, I saw Luo Yibei sitting hard at the bedside. A nurse kindly added a bed to the two and put together.

When Fang Chi Xia woke up, the man was lying in the arms of Luo Yibei.

How did she turn it over, she didn't know.

Staring at him and looking at it quietly, she smiled at him. "When are you going back?"

"The plane in the morning." Luo Yibei first got out of bed and handed her a clean dress to her.

In the room, the two people’s luggage didn’t know when they brought it. It should be when she fell asleep, he sent it.

He returned to the country and he packed it up.

Going directly to the airport after leaving the hospital, consider it very thoughtfully.

Fang Chixia had no opinion on his arrangement. He has been abroad for so many days, and it is time to go back.

She wants Xiao Yi that little face, this place in the Middle East, she never wants to come again for the second time!

Luo Yibei came to the bed a few steps, and helped her to change her clothes and took her out of the room.

Outside the hospital, a car was quietly parked not far from the two cars.

The people in the car looked at the two quietly from start to finish, looking at the two men in front and behind, looking at the pure smile on Fang Chi Xia’s face behind the Luoyi North, watching Luo Yibei protect her on the bus, unable to help. The map was broken.

"Young master, are we going to leave?" In front, the driver in the driver's seat looked over at him and asked for a whisper.

"Go to the airport." The man in the back seat faintly slid three words and turned his face to the side.

The car where Fang Chi Xia and Luo Yibei are located is also heading for the airport. In the car, two people talk and laugh, and the mood seems to have not been affected by these days.

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