The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2229: Destroy the cold home (2)

There was a large group of people who were at night, but there were not many people who understood them.

"Good." Luo Yibei nodded to Qing Muchen and then left the Luo family.

A person driving slowly on the road, the place where the white Lamborghini finally stopped, is a hotel far from the downtown.

After arriving, he did not get off the bus, but took a camera from the back of the car.

This time is already very late, and I have already had a meal time.

The hotel's restaurant is quiet, quiet music flowing from the inside of the house, and only a dining table in the large dining area.

A pair of middle-aged men and women, a man's neat suit, dressed in luxury, restrained and steady.

The woman and the man are the opposite. The dress is very simple, a simple cotton skirt, and a plain shirt. The whole person is as elegant as a white orchid.

The ages of the two look similar, except for the clothes, and the other aspects are quite match.

After the man is seated, his face is always consciously depressed, and seems to be avoiding something.

"Like heaven, I don't want to be famous, don't want anything, you know, I am not that kind of person, my character, I have never been arguing with anyone, I want, for so many years, never changed." The woman looked at the middle-aged man with a deep affection. When she was dining, she ate and ate, and her hand covered the back of the man's hand.

"Auntie, I know, I always know." The middle-aged man did not reject the opponent's movements, but instead held the woman's hand back. "But, I can give it to you, I want to give it to you."

The middle-aged woman smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder. "You have that heart enough. I don't care, really."

"Auntie, I am sorry for you all these years!" The middle-aged man looked at the woman's gaze, unusually gentle.

Luo Yibei sat in the car, his hand held the window, and looked at the scene quietly. The lips raised a sneer and raised the camera in his hand.

The two people in the restaurant are still cuddling.

The woman leaned on the shoulder of the man for a long time, a simple dinner, and it took more than an hour to eat.

At eleven o'clock, the two did not leave, but went to the accommodation area upstairs in the restaurant.

The middle-aged man seems to be shunning something, going upstairs, his head is always low.

Luo Yibei pushed the door open and followed the two men and went upstairs.

The middle-aged man and the woman went directly to the room on the upper floor after entering the elevator. Luo Yibei watched the door of the two people close, and then what happened inside the house was blocked by a door.

Luo Yibei stood in the corridor for a while, and turned his eyes to the hotel waiter who was pushing the cart. If there was nothing to ask, "Which room?"

His face, almost no one in C city does not know.

He asked, the waiter answered very honestly.

Pointing to the room where the middle-aged man went to the front, the waiter greeted him and continued to move forward.

Luo Yibei’s line of sight moved in the direction of his fingers, and as the cart passed by, the hand slammed into a bunch of flowers placed on the cart.

His movements were very slight, and the waiter didn't notice anything at all. He pushed in the cart and went in.

Luo Yibei watched him take the bunch of flowers, listened to the voices coming from inside, confirmed that the flowers were accepted, and turned away from the hotel.

He returned directly to the home afterwards and did not continue to pay attention to it.

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