The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2230: Destroy the cold home (3)

After returning, I played with the little milk bag for a while, and patiently accompanied him to pile up a lot of intellectual building blocks. After returning to the room, he did not go to Fang Chi Xia, where did he go, showered After she squatted, she fell asleep.

The next morning, Luo Yi went up a bit early, like a special trip to wait for something to happen.

After Fang Chi Xia came back, she was a little sleepy. When she fell asleep, she got up and got up. When she went downstairs, Luo Yibei had not left.

Seeing her, he seems to be in a good mood, "early!"

"Don't go to the company today?" Fang Chixia asked casually.

"Going tomorrow, there is something else to do today." Luo Yibei faintly returned to her.

"Yeah." Fang Chi Xia yawned and went to the restaurant.

"Little lady, you wake up! This is what my wife asked me to prepare for you, nourishing soup, all kinds of different, you see which flavor you like, which color, or which aroma, look up with me Said, Rong Ma helps you."

The servant who was at the table saw her extra enthusiasm and greeted her with a smile and opened the chair for her.

The soup made by Sha Zhixing is very spectacular. The Luojia table is also long, and a long row of pasts is full of soup bowls.

Her other pool summer is very good, like Luo Yibei, so good to prepare a breakfast, even her vision and smell are taken care of.

As long as you can let Fangchi drink in the summer, even if you don't hesitate to let the people prepare so many spare tires.

Fang Chixia is a bit speechless to her, but her heart is sweet.

Sha Zhixing has always been really good at her since she met her.

"Rong Ma, let the mother not be so complicated later, just feel free." To give herself a bowl, she waved her hand to signal the maid to leave, and took a magazine on the table and looked at it.

Today's front page is about the cold home.

The cold family is a big family with a face and a face in C. The family has been in politics for generations, and the family status is very stable.

Whether it is cold or cold, or cold, these years are the same, basically not easy to let yourself report.

However, the report on the cold home in today's news is overwhelming.

It’s not about cold and cold, but cold.

The newspaper published a lot of photos of him and a middle-aged woman. The restaurant met, and squatted into the hotel room, even the more intimate photos of the two people in the room.

The title played very loudly, and the cold minister and the first love lover were still in love, and they were entangled for more than 20 years.

Fang Chixia looked at the newspaper quietly, her eyes glimpsed through the news reported in the newspaper, and she was cold.

The status of the cold family is mainly in the officialdom. The official people publish such reports. What it means is that she is very clear.

As long as such a message is revealed, it is inevitable to step down!

The cold family currently dominates the officialdom. It is only as cold as a day. If it is as cold as the sky, the power of the cold home will undoubtedly be a fatal blow.

Fang Chixia looked at the news in the newspaper, and it didn't come back for a long time.

Someone shot the cold home!

Luo Yibei stepped toward this side step by step, sitting down at her side, her eyes just faintly glanced at the newspaper she was holding, "Is it accidental?"

Fang Chi's summer sight was stiff and looked in his direction, and the eyes were all incredible.

"Are you not surprised?"

"What's so good?" Luo Yibei took back his sight and poured himself a glass of milk. If nothing happened, he drank it.

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