The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2231: Destroy the cold home (4)

His face, from the beginning to the end of the wave, there is no wave, as if everything, has long been expected.

Fang Chi Xia Jingjing stared at him for a while, and looked at him like this, quietly pondering for a while, she suddenly reacted. "Is this related to you?"

Luo Yibei did not deny any of his actions, and even admitted that it was very simple. "It was guessed by you."

Fang Chi Xia slightly stunned, and the hand holding the spoon stopped.

Luo Yi’s northern corner of the eye passed toward her direction, observing her reaction.

Fang Chixia's face was very stiff at first, but, quickly, it recovered something that had never happened.

The eyes didn't stay in the newspaper for a long time. I put it to the side and she took the spoon and continued to drink her own soup.

Such a woman, let Luo Yi North lip proudly rose up.

He had thought that with her many years of understanding with cold and cold, she would be somewhat uncomfortable.

It seems that he thinks more now.

Cold home.

The morning news just burst out, and I received the above investigation notice immediately after the cold morning, and was taken away.

Cold and cold is only returned yesterday. He has been away from home for a long time. He has been in the Middle East recently. He did not expect to return to China, and his family immediately went wrong.

Sitting alone in the large living room, holding the newspapers in the morning, staring at the photos above, his five fingers were tight, and the thin paper was smashed by him.

Cold as the sky has a first love lover, as long as before marriage.

This matter, the cold-cold mother knows that the cold family knows that, besides that, there are very few people who know it.

The marriage between the cold and the cold and the cold mother is the most common family marriage in the big family. There is no emotion. The cold and cold mother knows this too, so she has never been ignorant of the cold past.

The main palace is not in trouble, and other people have no say in this matter. This is the reason why this has not been seen for so many years.

Now, suddenly shaken out, do not think he also knows that someone is deliberately targeting the cold home.

And who is this person, cold prayers can be guessed without the head.

In the past two days, Fang Chi Xia had a problem in the Middle East. Luo Yibei returned to China yesterday. The next morning, the cold family immediately broke down.

He knew that Luo Yibei would retaliate against those things in the Middle East. The only thing he did not expect from cold prayer was that his counterattack came so quickly!

The hand was holding the newspaper tightly, and the cold and cold eyes were very cold, and the whole living room was cold. The temperature seemed to be several degrees lower.

There are two backings in the cold family, one is the cold weather that has been stable for many years in the officialdom, and the other is the Lanshi Group.

Now, as cold as the sky, it is equivalent to breaking the half of the cold wing!

Cold and cold thought about the numerous ways Luo Yibei countered him, but he never thought that it would pass this trick.

Even such secret things are in the hands of him. How much does he know about the cold family?


After listening to the news this morning, Luo Yibei played a very happy mood.

Today, I didn’t go to Rong Xi. During the day, he didn’t know where to come. People who rarely went out of the street actually took Fang Chi Xia to the department store.

Going to the baby area, the entire floor is full of baby stuff.

"How come suddenly think about it?" Fang Chixia approached a store very casually and picked up a dress and looked at it.

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