The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2251: Four minutes, quick fix (1)

Fang Chi Xia was not stunned by him for a long time, his cheeks were red.

Luo Yibei passed an arm across her slender waist, hooked her waist, palms holding her tuned tuned part, pressed her to stick to her, and looked at her eyes, "Well?"

"Don't make trouble!" Fang Chi Xia pushed him.

"How did I get into trouble? I was serious about asking." Luo Yibei was in the right color, making himself look serious.

Fang Chi Xia is slightly wrong, "Really?"

"In this regard, when did I say something faked?" Luo Yibei picked a brow.

Fang Chi Xia, "..."

"Mrs. Locke, I am still waiting for your answer!" Leaning, her fingertips raised her delicate chin, his lips pressed against her, and kissed like a water.

Fang Chi Xia Ran looked at him, watching him clear like a wave of lake water, she is very clear that the two should not do these things in the past few months, but each time with his eyes, accidentally It is easy to be confused by him.

Picking up his toes, his arms around his neck, her face buried in his neck, whispered to him, "Well."

Luo Yi's north lip smacked a shallow arc, and she slid her up and took her to the villa.

This villa is exclusive to her and him. After 9 pm, no servants will come to bother.

When there was no Xiaoyi in the past, every night was her and his time.

Xiaoyi didn’t come back tonight, still in the Qing family. Now this villa is still only Luo Yibei and Fang Chi Xia.

Everything seems to have returned to the time when Fang Chi Xiagang lived in Luojia.

Luo Yibei held her step by step upstairs, his pace was very fast, the legs themselves were long, and a few big steps went upstairs, came to the bedroom of the two, and the toes slammed the door open.

"There is a barbecue smell on the body, I want to take a shower first!" Fang Chi Xia pulled his own clothes and smelled it, and brought the door of the bedroom back.

"Good!" Luo Yibei showed a very good patience tonight, she said, he actually agreed.

Just, but did not put her down.

"Would you like me to help you?" Holding her to the door of the bathroom, she stared at her in the arms and glanced at his lips.

"No, no." Fang Chixia broke free from his arms and his arm was pulled from his neck.

The fingertips pulled his tie, and she tangled around her fingertips, loosened it, lifted it, and she glanced at him lightly. "You will waste a lot of water when you go in."

A look, it was very clear, but, probably the relationship of the atmosphere tonight, in the eyes of Luo Yi North, very charming.

Luo Yibei has some dry mouth.

Pulling the collar of his shirt, he pressed her wrist. "How do I waste water when I go in?"

"When you go in, you don't have to come out in half an hour!" Fang Chi Xia lightly hangs his head, his fingertips wrapped around his tie.

"When I went in this time, we didn't let the water go?" Luo Yibei was amused by her words, and her lips were slightly sucked. He bite her fingertips in awkwardness/sucking.

Fang Chi Xia was covered by his lips, like a touch of electricity, the body trembled slightly.

Conditionally, I wanted to pull my hand back, but Luo Yibei pressed her hand and refused to let go.

His eyebrows are drooping, still licking/kissing her fingertips, and the tip of her tongue brushing her skin lightly, igniting a small current.

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