The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2252: Four minutes, quick fix (2)

A burst of numbness, along the blood vessels of the fingertips, spread all the way to the heart of Fang Chi Xia.

Fang Chixia left him to do whatever he wanted, but did not push him away, but his body was very stiff.

She is no stranger to this feeling, but, with the care of the baby's relationship in the stomach, she can't completely let go in front of him.

"Let me take a bath first! I won't stay in it for a long time tonight." He looked at him with his face buried in his hand, she asked again.

Luo Yi was carrying her, and her eyes were faint, and she glanced at her. "A few minutes?"

"Ten minutes!" Fang Chixia compared him to a ten gesture.

"Oh?" Luo Yibei picked up his eyebrows and did not seem to agree with her.

Fang Chi Xia saw his eyes are wrong, immediately changed his mouth, "eight minutes!"

"Is there a difference between eight minutes and ten minutes?" Luo Yibei lowered his face and his lips fell gently on the back of her hand.

"Four minutes!" Fang Chixia did not swear at him and compromised again.

She is so big, probably not as efficient in the bathroom.

Can't wash it in four minutes, she is not confident.

Luo Yibei seems to be very satisfied with her words. She did not consider such a short time to be practical for her. She loosened her hand and looked at the bathroom and made a gesture to her. Four minutes, I am waiting for you."

Fang Chixia gave him a look and turned to go inside the bathroom.

When preparing to close the door, Luo Yibei made an action that almost made her fry.

Four minutes was already oppressed for her. He even lifted his wrist and looked at the time of the watch very seriously. "The timing starts now."

The expression on Fang Chi Xia’s face was closed, and his eyes glanced at him coolly, slamming the door.

A loud sound, a vibrating sound, the whole room can be heard.

Luo Yibei scratched his ears and did not take her little temper seriously.

I took my own bathrobe and took a shower in the next room.

No matter what he does, he is very efficient.

Four minutes is more than enough for him.

When I came back with a bathrobe, Fang Chi Xia had not come out yet.

However, the sound of the water in the bathroom has stopped and seems to be washed.

Luo Yibei did not urge her, sit on the sofa, pick up a magazine, and read it lazily.

The bathroom door was opened in two minutes.

Fang Chixia stood at the door, and with one hand uncomfortably licking a loose bathrobe, looking at him, it seemed a bit restrained.

She is actually very cautious now. Although she has been married for so many years, but so deliberately to do the two people to come to this villa, so deliberately for these things to go in for a bath, Fang Chixia now feels like lying The lamb that was sacrificed on the sacrifice platform jumped heartily.

Luo Yibei looked faintly in her direction, and the deep cockroaches stared at her face after the shower, and the petals looked like a delicate face, and the darkness was dark.

"Baby, come over!" She put the magazine in her hand aside, and he hooked a finger at her.

"Isn't it going to the last step?" Fang Chi Xia stood stiffly at the door, not passing, but first talked with him about the conditions.

"Chi Xia, believe me, have a measure!" Luo Yibei once again gestured to his own legs.

He said that Fang Chi Xia is a letter.

For this unborn child, she knows that he is expecting more than anyone else. Anything that might hurt the child, Fang Chixia thinks that he should not do it.

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