The fingertips smashed from the table, and no trace of dust could be seen. I can see how much care the family has for the maintenance of this room.

All the furnishings in the room are a little girly, and the cartoons in the room look like the tastes of four or five-year-olds.

The wall is inlaid with a painting, and the pure gold rim reveals a few low-key luxury in the sun.

This is a cartoon with simple lines and even a bit of exaggeration. The character is a Q version, which seems to come from a masterpiece of a few years old.

The characters in the painting are four people. The overly succinct painting method makes it impossible to tell who the characters in the painting are, but it is not difficult to guess that it should be the An Qi family.

Yan Anqi couple, Yan Chengxi, and the daughter of the family.

In the painting, An Qi is still the same as the present, Wen Ya is noble and generous, and Cheng Chengxi looks a lot closer than usual.

The youngest lady in front of her smiled very sweetly, and her eyes bent into a line. Her head leaned against the shoulders of Yan Chengxi. The brothers and sisters seemed to have a good relationship.

Fang Chixia stared at the painting for a long time, staring quietly at the four comic characters in the painting, and felt inexplicably warm.

Luo Yibei also arranged the room downstairs, and simply cleaned up the living room, opened all the windows of the villa, and then walked upstairs step by step.

Fang Chi Xia is still in the room in the corner.

The line of sight glanced through the room, and her eyes turned to the table.

On the window-side table is a photo frame with a photo and four people, which seems to be the prototype of the painting on the wall.

Fang Chi Xia stunned, and wanted to take the photo frame and take a closer look. Behind him, Luo Yibei’s voice suddenly sounded. “How come here?”

The abrupt voice sounded in the room.

Fang Chixia was shocked by him, and the photo frame in his hand fell on the table.

The room was quiet and surprising, and the sound was a bit loud.

With a bang, it seemed that there was an echo in the room.

Luo Yibei's brow screwed, and his face suddenly became serious.

Fang Chi Xia clearly saw that his face sank as soon as the photo frame fell.

This kind of him, let Fang Chi Xia slightly stunned, there is a kind of premonition that he has done a very serious mistake.

Luo Yibei strode into the room, picked up the photo frame on the table and saw that it was not broken. Fang Chi Xia seemed to hear his sigh of relief.

Fang Chi Xia looked at him quietly and tried to ask, "What happened?"

Luo Yibei returned to God, carefully placed the photo frame, and took her hand and went out. "This room is usually arranged by Mrs. An Qi personally, and the family is not allowed to enter."

"I didn't know when I came in." Fang Chixia explained to himself.

"I know." Luo Yibei licked her head.

"Then, that photo frame is no problem?" Fang Chi Xia is a bit uneasy.

Something that others care about is destroyed, and her heart will be upset.

"Nothing, no broken." Luo Yibei took her out of the door, and slowly brought the door back.

Fang Chixia’s line of sight drifted toward the room, and through the gap in the door that was slowly closed, she stared at the photo frame again.

The photo frame is separated from her by a distance. The person on the photo can't see her angle, but she is inexplicably familiar.

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