When the door was closed, Luo Yibei took her stride and went downstairs.

That photo, Fang Chixia from beginning to end, did not see it...

This villa is unoccupied, no servants and nannies. If you want to stay and live, you have to rely on yourself.

Yan Chengxi knew that the two had come over. He had a phone call and asked if the servant had to come over, but he was rejected by Luo Yibei.

If there is a servant, what is the difference between this and the palace?

"Where are we going now?" Fang Chixia quickly followed the footsteps of Luo Yibei and looked at him sideways.

"Go out and prepare for what I need here tonight and tomorrow morning!" Luo Yibei faintly returned to her, opened the door and motioned her up.

Fang Chi Xia bent over to the car, sitting on the passenger seat, Luo Yibei followed her seat and the car slowly left the villa.

"How did Cheng Xi and his sister live here when they were young?" Fang Chi Xia Guangguang was fixed out of the window, thinking about the family, she asked casually.

"The things in the palace are too complicated. The brothers and sisters of Chengxi are special in this country. There are too many people staring at them. Mrs. Angel should be protecting children!" Luo Yibei explained.

"This way!" Fang Chi was aware of the light after the summer.

Luo Yibei is so complicated, she has not experienced it, but it can be imagined.

Two people who are so honorable in this country are always looking forward to the disappearance of two people. Should there be a lot of people?

Fang Chi Xia did not continue to ask more questions. These things were too far away for her, and she was not related to her at all. It was not her question.

The car continued on the road, and Luo Yibei drove her to the vegetable market.

Visit the market...

After marrying Luo Yibei for six years, Fang Chixia rarely saw him when he was so connected.

Such Luo Yibei, like a **** who looked up from the sky alone and cold and cold, everyone suddenly fell into the people on the ground, more than usual life.

The market in Y is particularly neat, and the freshly piled fruits and vegetables can be a very artistic painting.

Not dirty, walking on the street is very clean.

"Small cherry, red bayberry, plum, vinegar..." Fang Chixia walked in front, holding a note while walking, "唰唰唰" is writing something to be purchased.

She doesn't seem to be out of the same love for sour fans. The things that are spoken in the mouth are all typical pregnant women's recipes.

Luo Yibei slows down and follows, listening to the name of the fruit like the ear, the brow wrinkled and wrinkled.

However, nothing was said.

Fang Chixia purchased a lot of things, bought a few large bags of fruit, and also selected some seafood, vegetables, and then returned to the previous villa together.

Dinner is prepared for her.

Luo Yibei does not like sour, and the opinion on sour taste is still very big.

However, here, only she and him, she did not do, she did not have to eat.

He has no choice.

Moreover, in the special period of these months, he relied on her in all aspects.

However, what she did not expect was that Fang Chixia’s preference for sourness was so serious that even the fried shrimps were added with a lot of vinegar.

Luo Yibei leaned on the door of the kitchen and smelled the vinegar smell of the kitchen. He pointed his head and licked his temples and snorted. "Baby, the woman in my life center only has one of you in the past few years. Drink so much vinegar!"

Fang Chi Xia, "..."

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