After an hour of dinner, when Luo Yibei reminded, the ingredients were basically used by Fang Chixia. The final result was that the dishes on the table were all sour.

Luo Yibei had a meal for dinner, and it was hard to say.

However, it has not been a day or two for her to abuse her stomach. He is now immune and accustomed.

The villa with only two people is surprisingly quiet.

After dinner, the setting sun has not completely disappeared into the sea level, the faint afterglow spilled from the sky, and the whole garden is caged with a touch of gold.

Fang Chixia had not used his dinner chair on the side of the balcony.

Looking at the empty courtyard, she suddenly felt that it was really suitable for raising a baby.

Is such an ethereal place nourishing a multi-elf child?

Luo Yibei took a notebook out of the inside and came to her side, no matter whether the chair could not sit on him, and squeezed her to the side, and sat down with her.

Fang Chi Xia was squeezed by his face and put on the chair wall, almost deformed.

Fang Chixia's face was stiff for a few seconds, and his eyes glanced at him, and he began to send people with no expression. "Sit in another place!"

Luo Yibei seems to be unable to hear her words, lazy against the back of the chair, fingertips squatting on the notebook, seems to be doing business.

If he is doing business, Fang Chi Xia will generally not bother.

He was a little bit guilty about him, letting the two sit so crowded, she did not protest.

Just, so squeezing with her a pregnant woman, is that okay?

Luo Yibei obviously did not take his own behavior seriously, and his face did not even show a half apology.

The slender fingers slammed on the keyboard for a long time, sending out a message, probably after the matter was finished, he placed the computer aside.

Just like she noticed her pity, she stared at the woman who was squeezed by her hips and didn't sit in the chair. He didn't have a little reflection, and even snorted, "Hey, is it fat?" Point? In the past, the two were so able to sit down."

Fang Chi Xia was slightly distorted by his angry facial expression.

Is he licking her for getting fat?

Over the head, annoyed to want to counterattack, but did not export, but he was blocked, "pregnant women should not be too volatile, calm!"

The anger of Fang Chi Xia’s chest just swelled, because of his words, like the waves of the ebb tide, all the slaps of the slap.

Don't care about him.

Just, staring at her waist, she couldn’t help but ask, "Is it really fat?"

Luo Yibei looked at her side and glanced at her from top to bottom. "Isn't it?"

The expression on Fang Chi Xia’s face was solidified.

She changed her face very quickly, and she was careful to carry out temptation before she suddenly stood up, and her face was a bit gloomy.

In this way, she saw Luo Yi’s north lip pumping, and she couldn’t hold back, and she laughed.

This girl, cute!

"Don't worry about the baby or what? We are four years old, I thought you are used to it!" Lazy squinted at her, and it hurt her a bit, and he even reached out and said that she seemed to be round. Point the face.

However, after the hand reached over, as if he had thought of something, all his expressions suddenly settled.

When I was young, it was the only dark year in the life of Fang Chixia in the twenty-four years.

I couldn’t see anything for a whole year, and I naturally didn’t know what it was like at that time...


Do you like these two sugary children's shoes?

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