Fang Chi Xia seems to be very surprised, but it is not surprising that he thinks that Xi Yaheng has come to China earlier.

She didn't think too much, turned and continued to accompany Xiaochen.

Xiaochen is a small adult sitting on a cartoon chair specially arranged for her in the central Luoyi North. There are many servants standing around, waiting for drinking water, feeding the cake, feeding the cake, helping to wipe the mouth. Mouth, the treatment is like a little queen.

When I saw Fang Chi Xia, she smiled sweetly at her, and her voice screamed at her, "Summer!"

When she even laughed, it looked like Fang Chi Xia’s childhood, but Fang Chixia didn’t know it.

"Baby, can't eat too many cakes!" Fang Chixia walked toward her in a few steps, kneeling down and trying to help her wipe the cream at the corner of her mouth. Xiaochen didn't know if it was intentional. The little arm was holding her neck, sweet. Sweet kissed her face, and the cream on her mouth caught her face.

Her movements are very light and light, and when the lips are attached to the poolside summer face, it is wet and moist, like a smothered by a petal.

Fang Chi Xia is very abandoning her movements, but she is not able to make a temper against her small child.

The face was against her, and the cream on her face was brought back to her. Fang Chixia took her up. "Mummy took you to wash your face!"

"I will leave first!" Holding a small morning, she went straight to the VIP suite of the cruise ship.

On the seesaw leading to the banquet hall, Xi Yaheng walked over with the follow-up of the two followers. The figure just appeared at the door of the hall, and Fang Chixia just left Xiaochen.

Luo Yibei and he are not counted as enemies, but they are friends. However, it is not surprising that he is in the middle of this relationship.

"Just come to the country to do something, listen to the aunt said that Xiaochen is a year old, just come and see." Xi Yaheng walked into the hall step by step, smiled and sent a gift in his hand.

What he shot, luxury is no exception, the diamond level is at the very least.

"Xi Shaoye has a heart!" However, Luo Yibei did not look at it and directly handed it to the servant next to him. "Miss Dai Xiao!"

"This is what it should be." Xi Yaheng smiled and looked at the rest of the living room. "How come you didn't see the little girl in the morning?"

Luo Yibei did not know the purpose of his coming. However, due to the subtle relationship between Xi Yaheng and Qi Chengxi, he instinctively warned Xi Yaheng. "The morning has gone out of the way and left."

His wording is to leave, not to leave temporarily.

Xi Yaheng understands naturally that Xiaochen may not appear again.

"That's a pity. I wanted to say that I can come over and see the little girl. It seems that I am not coming." Xi Yaheng shrugged, as if disappointed.

"Dawn is so frequent in the Y country. Afterwards, the young master is the opportunity to see her." Luo Yibei responded faintly.

"Also." Xi Yaheng thinks that this is also the case, not entangled in this issue.

"I should be very busy tonight? Don't call me especially, just entertain other guests." Didn't leave immediately, he found a seat and sat down.

"There is no need to take care of yourself!" Luo Yibei did not have any thoughts to greet him, turned and chatted with a group of people.

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