The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2431: Copy version of pool summer

Xi Yaheng took a glass of wine for himself, snorted, and looked quietly at the scene.

Fang Chi Xia and Xiao Chenxi were both there, and they did not see the figure when they scanned the scene.

The place where Xiaoyi is located is not far from him. However, the face of the small milk bag is now as long as Luo Yibei, and there is no shadow of Fangchixia in the body. There is no reference value.

Luo Yibei back to him has been socializing, and then exchange a few words with this, and then exchange a few words with that, the corner of the eye will look in his direction from time to time.

"How did he come?" Qing Muchen looked at his line of sight and his brow was wrinkled.

"I said that it was just in China today, I just came over." Luo Yibei faintly returned to him, swaying gently with a wine glass, his eyes turned to the direction of the room, quietly staring at the square pool summer away. Looked at the direction.

Calling a servant who happened to pass, he asked, "What did the lady do?"

"Take Miss Xiao to wash her face, a little cream on her face, Miss Xiao later was sleepy, and the little lady would accompany her to rest in the room." The maid responded with respect.

"I know, go ahead." Luo Yibei waved his hand at the man, and the maid turned around with a tray.

Luo Yi was over the north side and continued to chat with Jiang Muchen without water.

He was in a good mood. Although he did not know the purpose of Xi Yaheng, but earlier, there was a meeting between Xi Yaheng and Xia Xia. Luo Yibei instinctively rejected Xi Yaheng and Fang Chixia.

Xi Yaheng sat in the scene for about fifteen minutes, probably consciously boring, and then left with Luo Yibei.

People just took the next round, and the party scene suddenly burst into fireworks.

The sparkling fireworks fire above the cruise ship, smearing the nearby sea level.

Xiaochen was awakened by the sound, and he dragged Fang Chixia out of the deck to see the fireworks.

She is a very lively little girl, like Fang Chi Xia when she was a child. When she saw the fireworks, she also liked Fang Chi Xia as a child, and reached out to pick it up.

Fang Chixia found it a step late, and when it was time to stop it, it was too late.

On a small hand, I received a sporadic star.

However, the good news is that it is not too hot, just a little bit of pain.

Such a scene actually happened as early as when Fang Chi Xia was a child.

Now, this kind of thing repeats itself in Xiaochen, as if it is going back in time and reappeared yesterday.

The mother and the daughter, similar faces, similar charms, even the slightest rise of the chin when lifting the hand to pick up the fireworks, are exactly the same.

However, no one in the King’s Palace was present...

"Dawn, can't you touch this?" Fang Chixia was scared by the action of Xiaochen, and squatted down, quickly smashed the fireworks that had been turned into dust on her hand, lifted her hand and looked at it, and found no redness. The traces were relieved.

Xiaochen smirked at her "giggle" and apparently did not put her words in her eyes.

The little arm took her neck, as if she couldn't see her face, her head licked her in her arms, and Xiaochen screamed her milk, "Mummy~ Mommy!" ”

The soft sound makes Fang Chi Xia Xin melt quickly.

She is such a cartilage gas, facing such a child, even if the regenerating gas before, but how can not make a temper.

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