The normal party lasted for a long time. Fang Chixia didn't manage how to deal with it. However, when she returned to the banquet hall, she was forced to drink a few glasses by Shi Luo and Qing Deng.

Even if the amount of wine in Fangchi is not good at all, Schloed is a person who has no sense of proportion. He just thinks that if so many people are there tonight, they should pull everyone together and do their best.

Fang Chi Xia was filled with several cups by him, and the party ended. When he left the cabin, he walked away.

Xiao Chenxi and Xiao Yi were brought to the cruise ship in advance by Sha Zhixing. She and Luo Yibei stayed until the end because of the many relationships between the guests.

When the two men were in the lower round, the whole ship had only left him and her.

In front of Fang Chi Xia, Luo Yibei followed behind him, just watching her take a few steps, stepping on her feet, taking a few steps, once again, several times on the guardrail, even made a thought Spit movements.

In front of Luo Yibei, she has no image at all. When she wants to vomit, she squats and vomits directly to the sea.

Luo Yibei couldn't stand it in the back. He walked up a few steps and took her into her arms in a salvage manner. His eyes glanced at her face. "Why drink?"

"Shi Luojing, you go to blame him!" Fang Chi Xia screamed at him and smiled.

Luo Yi’s north lip was pumped. “He will drink if he respects you?”

"Friends, there is not much relationship!" Fang Chixia did not care about his words, waved his hand, stood up, and he stabilized himself.

The birthdays of Chenxi and Xiaoyi are all in September, and in September of the C city, the summer heat has faded, and it has slowly become cool.

The wind on the beach was very big. A sea breeze was blowing. Fang Chi Xia was probably chilly, and his head naturally drilled into his arms and held him in his arms.

Her body is soft and soft.

When I leaned over, my arms were like bones, and the crispness was soft.

The face was buried in his arms, and the small movements were like a pet-loving little pet spoiled with his master.

Luo Yibei took off his coat and wanted to wrap it on her. Fang Chi Xia pulled the end of the coat and bypassed his back, wrapping the two people into the clothes together.

An action that made Luo Yi smashed.

Fang Chi Xia raised his face and smiled at him sillyly. "This is warmer."

"Drink a few cups?" Luo Yibei did not refute her words, raised her fingertips to help her lick the hair on her ear.

"Five cups!" Fang Chixia stretched out five fingers at him.

"Remember so clearly?" Luo Yibei did not worry about her.

I remember how many cups I drank and I shouldn’t have much drunkenness.

"That is." Fang Chixia is very proud. He pulled the clothes and wanted to continue the downstream round. "Go!"

Who knows, just took a step, because there is no moving relationship behind Luo Yibei, and the clothes entangled between the two people have returned.

Fang Chi Xia brow wrinkled, it seems a little trouble, but did not untie the clothes.

The leg stepped forward and she tried it again.

However, it was once again restricted.

Luo Yibei just stared at her in the back, and did not mean to leave with her.

He looked at her eyes with a special scorn, like a monkey watching a play.

"Luo Yibei, you go!" Fang Chixia seems to be annoyed with his disagreement, pulling the clothes on the two.

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