Helpless, Luo Yibei is very persistent on this issue.

His eyes were full of anger, and his eyes seemed to be cheaper when he ran into his own lover.

Fang Chixia was very speechless to him. He dragged it several times and did not succeed. She explained, "Dawn of the morning!"

A half-baked silence between the two.

Luo Yibei's stretched face curve seems to have eased.

Just, after a while, it stiffened again.

"This girl has seen the person who has grown up and he has changed his pro's problem!" He seems to be annoyed and resentful.

The hand slammed Fang Chi Xia, and he seemed to have a bit of jealousy step by step.

Fang Chixia was in a state of speechlessness from beginning to end, and when he went out, his footsteps were completely floating.

"You shouldn't be so enthusiasm for Sno's tonight, but it's cold for you!" When she got on the bus, she couldn't help but float.

Luo Yibei was stunned by her words, and the hand that opened the door seemed to have been settled, and I did not explain it to myself.

Obviously, she guessed it.

"It's naive!" Fang Chi Xia lost his sentence, bypassing him and riding the car in the passenger seat.

Luo Yibei glanced at her in the cold, "What did you just say?"

Fang Chixia looked at the sky outside, a serious, "I said, it is not early, are we going back first or waiting for parents and mornings?"

Her words were particularly smooth, and they didn't even make a knot.

Luo Yi's north lip was pumped, followed her on the bus, and rushed to start the car. "Dawn and Xiao Yi are brought by parents, what are you waiting for?"

With the sand weaving star and Luo Xi squatting, he seems to be very relieved and walks very free and easy.

Going back to this road, driving while driving, and chatting with Fang Chi Xia, "What did Fasino do?"

"Haimman is not coming yet?" Fang Chixia retorted.

Her tone of speech, obviously maintaining Fasino, did not know when to start, as long as he mentioned him, she always seems to adjust.

This makes Luo Yibei somewhat uncomfortable.

Over the side, his gaze knife glared at her. "It’s not good to stay in your own country to be a princess." What is it tossing?"

"Maybe I can't shirk it." Fang Chixia continued to defend.

In exchange for it, it is a cold eye of Luo Yibei.

"I am just telling the truth." Fang Chixia was shivered by his eyes, grinning, his face turned to the side.

"You are very happy tonight?" The car drove forward for a while, and the Luoyi Beiyin test floated again.

"Yes!" Fang Chi Xia did not think too much, and the answer was very honest.

The words almost just came out of the lips, and the air pressure inside the car suddenly cooled down again.

It was too cold and cold, which made her feel very obvious.

The hand rubbed the chicken goose bump from the lower arm, and her eyes looked quietly in the direction of Luoyi North.

Luo Yibei's face is gloomy, with a thin lip knife, and it is tightly closed.

The eyes turned to her in a cool direction. He hooked his lips and asked, "I was so happy to see him?"

His tone dragged a bit long, and the words were yin and yang.

The expression on Fang Chi Xia’s face was closed for a few seconds. He did not deny it. “Friends haven’t seen it for so long, it’s very happy.”

She didn't feel that she had done something wrong. She and Fasto had been sitting right.

Luo Yibei's face seems to be getting more and more heavy.

Inside the car, there was a gust of wind blowing.

Air pressure, low cold.

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